Natural Monuments: Protection And Legal Regime

Natural Monuments: Protection And Legal Regime
Natural Monuments: Protection And Legal Regime

Natural monuments need protection, reconstruction and support. The legal regime for the implementation of all these activities is described in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and not only organizations and enterprises, but also ordinary citizens are obliged to follow it.

Natural Monuments: Protection and Legal Regime
Natural Monuments: Protection and Legal Regime

Objects of living or natural origin, recognized as monuments from a scientific, ecological, historical-memorial or aesthetic point of view, are protected by the state in a legal regime. Unfortunately, most of them do not have a conservation status, as such, and restoration or reconstruction measures are not carried out in relation to them.

What is a natural monument and how should it be protected

For the first time the very concept of "natural monument" appeared in the 19th century. Its original author was the Germanic Hugo Convent, who betrayed him the following meaning - pieces of virgin (untouched by human hand) nature. In the modern world, the concept has been transferred to the framework of legislation, and it means:

  • picturesque areas with impeccable ecology, monumental objects,
  • areas with unusual relief, rare plants and animals,
  • valuable tracts of forests and parks, arboretums,
  • polygons with geological outcrops and paleontological objects,
  • wetlands, rivers and lakes,
  • deposits of mud with medicinal properties or springs of thermal water,
  • separate objects of any origin - statues, the sculptor of which was nature itself.

Almost all of them are included in the state register of natural monuments, work on its replenishment is constantly being carried out, descriptions and photos of new objects are added to it. But there are also negative facts - not all of the monuments are properly protected, often crimes are committed against them. Not only the destruction of natural monuments is considered criminal, but also their sale, the use of the lands where they are located, for other purposes, the construction of social or residential, shopping and entertainment facilities next to them, and their use for conducting tourism business.

Legal regime for the protection of natural monuments

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there is an article regulating the legal regime for the protection of natural monuments No. 27. According to this article, in the register of such objects, they are divided into monuments of different significance - regional, local, federal and monuments of world importance. In addition, the article also says that in relation to each of them, complexes of measures have been developed for their preservation, reconstruction and restoration.

Russians have the right to be proud of their rich, diverse natural world. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are 6 objects that are included in the UNESCO register. They, like other natural monuments, can only be used for research or scientific work. The possibility of their use for tourist purposes is determined by a special commission, and even after its approval, only foot paths can be laid on their territory.

There should not be production sites near natural monuments - this is stated in the legislation, and both officials and ordinary citizens should know this. Moreover, an ordinary person can take an active part in security measures simply by notifying the relevant state authorities that an emergency has developed - the object is used for other purposes, is destroyed or was sold.
