What Is Traditional Society

What Is Traditional Society
What Is Traditional Society

Traditional society is one of the types of social order. It is considered more primitive than modern society. Until now, the traditional society is widely represented in the countries of Africa and South Asia.

What is traditional society
What is traditional society

The main feature of a traditional society (TO), thanks to which it got its name, is adherence to established traditions to the detriment of development and modernization. All spheres of life are regulated by clear traditions: economic, political, social and spiritual.

At the same time, there are a number of other features of TO, which logically follow from following traditions. Since no types of development, including scientific, are encouraged, agriculture and manual labor prevail in the economy, extensive technologies are used. The form of ownership is mainly collective, the desire for individual ownership is not encouraged. The distribution of material goods is established "from above". Market forms of trading are absent. The division of labor is mainly based on gender.

The political sphere is characterized by inherited authoritarian power. since only in this way can sustainable traditions be maintained for a long time. At the same time, society is given the installation that this family is given power from God. Individuals not in power have no influence on politics.

Social relations in TO are characterized as communal. The estates (castes) are clearly separated and a person is locked within them all his life, there is a very strict hierarchy of relations. Interpersonal relationships are built within the family and a certain class, there is no pronounced individuality. Social benefits are also severely limited.

In the spiritual sphere, TH is determined by a deep, instilled religiosity from infancy, and certain moral attitudes. Religious rituals and dogmas are an integral part of the cultural life of such a society. There is almost no written language, so all myths and traditions are passed orally from generation to generation.

In relation to the surrounding world, THAT is closed and jealously protects itself from outside intrusions and any external influence. As a result of all this, a traditional person perceives the world and life around him as something completely static and unchanging. Some changes in such societies are taking place extremely slowly, over many generations. And rapid revolutionary changes are perceived very painfully, which, however, can be said about any society.
