What Are The Characteristics Of A Traditional Society

What Are The Characteristics Of A Traditional Society
What Are The Characteristics Of A Traditional Society

In science, there are various typologies of society, which are distinguished according to certain parameters. The most stable typology in modern sociology is considered, in which three types of society are distinguished: traditional, industrial and post-industrial.

What are the characteristics of a traditional society
What are the characteristics of a traditional society

The concept of traditional society

In scientific literature, for example, in sociological dictionaries and textbooks, there are various definitions of the concept of traditional society. After analyzing them, one can single out the fundamental and determining factors in identifying the type of traditional society. Such factors are: the dominant place of agriculture in society, not subject to dynamic changes, the presence of social structures of different stages of development that do not have a mature industrial complex, opposition to modern industrial society, the dominance of agriculture in it and low rates of development.

Traits of a traditional society

Traditional society is an agrarian-type society, therefore it is characterized by manual labor, division of labor according to working conditions and social functions, regulation of social life based on traditions.

There is no unified and accurate concept of traditional society in sociological science due to the fact that broad interpretations of the term “traditional society” make it possible to refer to this type of social structures that differ significantly in their characteristics from each other, for example, tribal and feudal society.

According to the American sociologist Daniel Bell, traditional society is characterized by the absence of statehood, the predominance of traditional values and a patriarchal way of life. Traditional society is the first in terms of formation and arises with the emergence of society in general. In the periodization of the history of mankind, this type of society occupies the largest time period. Several types of societies are distinguished in it according to historical epochs: primitive society, slave-owning ancient society and medieval feudal society.

In a traditional society, as opposed to industrial and post-industrial societies, a person is entirely dependent on the forces of nature. Industrial production in such a society is absent or takes a minimal share, because the traditional society is not aimed at the production of consumer goods and there are religious prohibitions on environmental pollution. The main thing in a traditional society is to maintain the existence of a person as a species. The development of such a society is associated with the extensive spread of mankind and the collection of natural resources from large territories. The main relations in such a society are between man and nature.