The Slimmest Man In The World

The Slimmest Man In The World
The Slimmest Man In The World

On which end of the planet are the slimmest legs, beautiful figure and slender waist? It depends not only on the diet, but also on the established traditions in the country and the physiological data of a person.

The slimmest man in the world
The slimmest man in the world

Every person is different. Nature has awarded one with an excellent figure, which is enough only to support a little. The other person, throughout his life, has been struggling with being overweight. Each of them is right in their own way. The main thing in this matter is to like yourself and appreciate your personality.

A nation of slimness

In different countries of the world, there are completely different standards of harmony. According to the generally accepted concept, French women take the lead among slenderness. Although, like all women in the world, they are unhappy with their weight.

American women, contrary to television standards, are more prone to being overweight. This has more to do with the fast food craze. But they have, accordingly, other criteria for harmony.

The most slender are French women, in this country there are very few overweight people.

The largest number of skinny people among the eastern nations. This is due to the lifestyle and habitual diet. Their menu is dominated by fish dishes. And the spices are all mainly of vegetable origin.

Diet is a way of life

Today, the slimmest woman in the world is Penny Mellie, who lives in the UK. Most recently, her weight was 127 kg. She was able to lose weight by 66, 5 kg. It was not at all appearance and beauty that pushed the woman to such drastic measures.

It's all about the state of health. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and asthma have become the main causes of a strict diet. Before starting the diet, Penny had a serious lung infection and had little chance of recovery.

The despair was so great that she agreed to have her stomach closed. One day she came across an advertisement for swimming. Penny decided to try it, and after a week of classes she lost 3 kg. It's hard to believe, but after six months her weight was 61.5 kilograms. Now she officially bears the title of the slimmest woman in the world.

Most diets were developed in America, it was the inhabitants of this country who most of all needed to improve the body.

A Russian woman, Ekaterina Mirimanova, became famous for a similar situation. She was able to lose 60 kilograms and become an example for many of her compatriots. Her example was not a passive demonstration of her accomplishments.

Ekaterina actively helps everyone who wants to lose weight. Thanks to her method, thousands of women have gained a slender figure. Therefore, she can also be the slimmest girl in the world.
