Anastasia Maksimova, TV presenter, music producer, composer and singer, has an amazingly beautiful voice. The lyric-dramatic soprano is subject to both pop and classical repertoire. The vocalist performs all the masterpieces of the world opera.

Anastasia Vladimirovna first appeared on television at the age of 10. At 15, the girl was already working as an assistant director. The girl became the co-host of the program "Musical Ring" at 18. The project "Musical Ring - New Generation" Tamara and Vladimir Maksimov, created especially for their daughter. However, the program had to be closed due to Nastya's passion for vocals.
The path to recognition
The biography of the future star began in 1978. The girl was born in Leningrad on July 25 in the family of the author of the first domestic telethons and the author-host of the well-known programs "Telekurier" and "Public Opinion". From early childhood, the baby showed talent. Her training at the music school took place according to an individual program.
Anastasia took part in popular projects, was fond of vocals. She entered the pop department of the Musorgsky Music College, and at the same time performed in American jazz clubs. On the TV screen, the girl appeared with her group "Boulevard" performing retro music in the show "Taste for Life".
The performer came to the TV show "Musical Ring" with a rock band. The girl presented her works to the audience. The songs were performed at the "Slavianski Bazaar" and "Ovation" contests.

In 1999, Maksimova became a student of the St. Petersburg Conservatory in opera singing.
Work on television was stopped, as Anastasia completely switched to her studies. The classics appeared in the repertoire. In 2000, several retro and crossovers were recorded. In 2004, Anastasia finished her studies as an external student. Experiments with musical directions began.
The album "Diva" appeared in 2005. It was highly appreciated by lovers of neoclassicism. Maksimova moved to Moscow, where she started working at the Amedia company. As the creative producer of Sony Pictures, she coordinates the work of two groups involved in the production of music for the series.

Family and creativity
The vocalist is the author and performer of soundtracks for the telenovela "Talisman of Love". At the same time, cooperation with Yulia Savicheva began. The author and composer also acted as the producer of the album of the vocalist "Magnet".
Maksimova worked with the duet "Nepara", Elena Terleeva and Leroy Masskva. In 2008 Anastasia Vladimirovna started working on a solo project. She successfully combines her solo career and the work of a producer. In the same period, the musical accompaniment to the film "Cook" and the sitcom "Univer" was created.
The artist's personal life was also successful. Marcel Gonzalez Moreau, the program director of Russian Radio, became her chosen one and husband. The official ceremony took place in the summer of 2006. In 2009, on May 9, a child, daughter Alice, appeared in the spouses.

The owner of the best neoclassical voice, "silver soprano", is working on several large-scale projects.