How To Interpret The Inscription About Pussy Riot After The Murder In Kazan

How To Interpret The Inscription About Pussy Riot After The Murder In Kazan
How To Interpret The Inscription About Pussy Riot After The Murder In Kazan

On August 22, two women were murdered in Kazan; the inscription Free Pussy Riot was found at the crime scene, written in blood on the wall. The event caused a great resonance both among the supporters of the convicted members of the Pussy Riot group and among their opponents.

How to interpret the inscription about Pussy Riot after the murder in Kazan
How to interpret the inscription about Pussy Riot after the murder in Kazan

The murder of two women in Kazan would probably have remained quite an ordinary crime, if not for the inscription in defense of Pussy Riot, left by the criminal on the wall. Immediately after the first reports of the brutal murder of an elderly woman and her daughter appeared, the Internet exploded with many comments. Some of the opponents of the Pussy Riot group immediately tried to use this event for their own purposes, their messages were quite similar and boiled down to one thought - “these are Pussy Riot's supporters, so the group members were deservedly imprisoned”. More moderate opponents of the group members themselves pointed out that the double murder and the writing on the wall are very similar to a provocation, so the situation must be dealt with. Supporters of Pussy Riot unambiguously stated that it was a provocation, while some even immediately pointed out who committed it - in their opinion, it was the Orthodox.

Analyzing the details of the crime, a thoughtful person will easily understand that the inscription Free Pussy Riot in the apartment of the murdered does not at all coincide with the crime itself. If we assume that the crime was really committed by a supporter of the convicted group members, then he did them a real disservice - you have to be a very stupid person not to understand the consequences of such a step. The crime could be understood if a priest or an official were killed, but what does the pensioner and her daughter have to do with it? That is why the investigation quickly rejected the political version of the murder and began searching for the perpetrator among the entourage of the dead women.

Soon the perpetrator was found; according to the investigation, he turned out to be an acquaintance of the murdered women, a teacher Igor Danilevsky. The motive for the crime was banal self-interest - the criminal borrowed money from women and did not want to give it back. During a search in his apartment, they found the mobile phones of the women he had killed and an IOU for 100 thousand rubles. He made the inscription on the wall in order to start the investigation on the wrong track. But the attempt turned out to be rather clumsy, so Danilevsky did not succeed in deceiving the investigating authorities.

Interest in this case is not the identity of the criminal and not even the inscription made by him, but how the Internet community reacted to it. In a dispute situation, the audience is always divided into "ours" and "not ours." Regardless of who supported whom, it is clear that in this situation, both on one side and on the other, there were many hotheads who were ready to accuse anyone and anything. Part of the Orthodox audience readily supported the version of the ritual murder committed, of course, by supporters of Pussy Riot. No less aggressive part of the opponents was absolutely sure that this was a provocation of the Orthodox. As a result, both those and others turned out to be wrong, but managed to pour more than one tub of dirt on each other.

It is quite possible that this case will still bring some surprises - according to the latest information, Igor Danilevsky refused to confess. The teacher's lawyer said that his client was innocent, the evidence against him was fabricated, and the confession was forced out. The final point in this case, as usual, will be put by the court.
