Day On Calendar: Good Friday

Day On Calendar: Good Friday
Day On Calendar: Good Friday

Good Friday is a special day of the Christian church year, the most sorrowful day, the day when Jesus Christ was condemned and crucified, suffered torment at Calvary and was buried.

Day on calendar: Good Friday
Day on calendar: Good Friday

History of the day

The entire church rule of the Sorrowful Day - Good Friday - is designed to help a Christian empathize with tragic events and follow them. Thus, during the service, twelve Gospel passages are read out, detailing the last day of Jesus' earthly life. Liturgies are not served on this day, and during Vespers they bring out the shroud - a cloak with the image of Jesus Christ in the tomb. The shroud is erected in the center of the church, decorated with flowers and anointed with incense in memory of how the myrrh-bearing wife was anointed on the body of Christ. The shroud will be removed only a few minutes before the solemn proclamation: "Christ is Risen!" on Sunday night.

Good Friday is also the day of the most severe fasting, requiring almost complete abstinence from food and complete withdrawal from worldly entertainment.


Many traditions and beliefs are associated with this day, some of which have a real basis, and some are far-fetched. So it is believed that a Christian should not eat anything on this day, and after taking out the shroud, he can afford bread. Indeed, the fast that must be observed on Good Friday is the strictest of the year. But, as with any fasting, it is important to understand that not every person for health reasons or occupation can follow it. This means that it is necessary to determine the degree of fasting rationally, in consultation with your confessor.

There is a popular belief that a person having fun on Good Friday will shed tears throughout the year. It is connected with the fact that spiritual fasting, which is much more important than physical fasting, is also the strictest of all on this day. Therefore, entertainment, recreational activities, idle pastime are also prohibited, as well as a lard sandwich.

But the tradition of refusing any work on Good Friday is perceived in most cases not quite rightly. Indeed, Christians try to have time to finish all the things by Maundy Thursday, but only because it is advisable to spend Friday in prayer and remembering the sufferings of Christ on the Cross, from which nothing should distract - neither food, nor worldly concerns. However, the church does not at all prohibit working on this day, and if there is a need to fulfill certain duties, it should be done rather than avoiding work, referring to the Great Fast.

What a Christian can really do on Good Friday is to pray, not to quarrel, to give in to others more and to forgive all the grievances accumulated over the year.
