Orthodox holidays appeared many centuries ago, their history dates back to the time of the Old Testament. The Church calls on believers to approach the celebration of memorable dates with solemnity, and in general, to treat it with a special mood. Orthodox holidays, as a rule, are dedicated to the commemoration of important events in the life of Christ and the Mother of God, as well as timed to commemorate many other saints.

It is necessary
Orthodox calendar for the current year
Step 1
Orthodox holidays are always marked in a special calendar, which can be purchased in churches, as well as in some shopping areas - bookstores, kiosks with periodicals. Here you can also find information about the time frame of a particular fast, because every year the dates, for example, of Great Lent, change.
Step 2
The main Orthodox holiday is Easter. Its celebration date is determined using the lunar calendar. The day of Easter is also determined by some other factors, for example, you cannot celebrate Easter with the Jews or until the vernal equinox. This holiday is preceded by Great Lent, for forty days of which believers refuse food of animal origin, as well as fun, games, and festivities. On the fiftieth day after Easter, the Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated. Another name for the holiday is Pentecost.
Step 3
The Nativity of Christ is also an important holiday in Orthodoxy. This day - January 7, is considered to be the birthday of Jesus Christ from the flesh of the Virgin Mary. In the secular world, this day is a day off. The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is also especially marked by the Orthodox tradition. This holiday is associated with the birth of the Virgin Mary, and the Orthodox calendar celebrates this day on September 21.
Step 4
The feast of the Epiphany of the Lord precedes the Nativity of Christ. This event is associated with the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River. According to the Gospel scripture, at the moment of Baptism, the Holy Spirit descended on Christ, which was in the form of a dove. The dove's descent was accompanied by a voice from heaven: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Epiphany is celebrated on January 6.
Step 5
The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, or Protection Day, is celebrated on October 14th. In the Russian Orthodox tradition, it is considered one of the great, even in Russia, the end of field work was associated with this day. The holiday is based on the legend of how the Mother of God appeared in the Blachernae temple in Constantinople, in which her robe was located in 920.
Step 6
The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is dedicated to the day of the death of the Mother of God. According to legend, on this day, the apostles who were in different countries miraculously ended up in Jerusalem in order to bury the Virgin Mary. The Russian Orthodox Church commemorates this event on August 15th.
Step 7
The Annunciation is a bright event of the Gospel, respectively, the holiday is dedicated to this particular plot. The Annunciation is associated with the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that Christ will be born of her flesh. This holiday is celebrated on April 7th.
Step 8
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord) is a holiday dedicated to the memory of the acquisition of the Cross. According to legend, it happened near the place of the crucifixion of Jesus. Since the 7th century, the memory of the return of the Cross from Persia by the Greek emperor Heraclius is associated with this day. This day is celebrated on September 14th.