Do Aliens Exist According To The Bible?

Do Aliens Exist According To The Bible?
Do Aliens Exist According To The Bible?

Recently, you can hear or read about the manifestations of alien activities on planet Earth. Some people consider aliens to be a reality, others speak of UFOlogy as pseudoscience. An Orthodox Christian might wonder what the Bible says about aliens.

Do aliens exist according to the Bible?
Do aliens exist according to the Bible?

The Bible says nothing about aliens. Scripture does not say much at all, all this because the Bible is not an encyclopedic reference book, but a sacred collection of texts that tell about the covenant between man and God. Anything that does not relate, at least indirectly, to the relationship between man and God, to divine decrees, does not find its reflection in the Bible. The question of aliens is no exception.

From the point of view of orthodox Christianity, aliens as representatives of "green men" do not exist. However, there is something else worth mentioning in this matter. In particular, under the phenomena attributed to alien forces and influences, one can consider the manifestation of demonic forces. At different times, demonic influence on a person was carried out in different ways. For example, demons appeared in their guise to ancient ascetics and some modern saints. The saints, to the extent of their spiritual strength, could see them. As for an ordinary modern person, it is quite "advantageous" for demonic manifestations to acquire a different form in order to overshadow the consciousness of people. In particular, the emergence of "aliens" can be considered in this. In general, if we compare the sensations of a person from contact with devilry and from “contact with an alien,” you can see absolutely identical states.

So, do not think that the Bible says positively about aliens. There are no such words and names for creatures. And some incomprehensible manifestations of alien forces are not such, but in their essence they may contain demonic temptation to corrupt the human consciousness.
