To Whom And How Much To Leave For Tea

To Whom And How Much To Leave For Tea
To Whom And How Much To Leave For Tea

Tipping is a special kind of gratitude for the services rendered. The ability to give them correctly and appropriately can significantly improve service, and the inability to worsen it. In order not to seem like a curmudgeon, but also not to spend too much, you need to know about the intricacies and appropriateness of material gratitude.

Who should tip?

It is customary to reward almost any service personnel with a tip. These include: maids, porters, taxi drivers, massage therapists, nannies, etc. Moreover, ethics experts remind: the higher the level of the institution, the greater the number of staff should be left for tea.

For example, if you visit a high-end restaurant, you will have to reward a lot of people besides the waiter. Tipping in this case deserves a cloakroom attendant (1-2 dollars / euro) and a sommelier (tips are about 5-10% of the cost of the selected wine). It is recommended that the hotel encourages the porter (for each suitcase) and the maid. If you ask for a concierge service, do not forget to thank him up to € 5.

The rewards are deserved by the guide and the driver of the sightseeing bus. The amount can be quite small - it is enough to fork out for € 1-2. The taxi driver should also be encouraged. There are two options here: rounding the amount or 10% of the total cost. Please note: this rule does not apply to private transfers.

It is not uncommon for your beauty guards to count on tips, especially if you are a regular customer. The amount in this case can be up to 15% of the total bill. It should be increased by 1, 5 times if you suddenly came into the salon and asked to take it out of line.

It is not customary to reward with tips the employees of laundries, tailors, shoemakers, etc. Such encouragement of doctors, psychologists, teachers, instructors is also considered bad form. In this case, it is better to express gratitude with flowers and small gifts.

National expectations

Each country has its own "tip" traditions based on lifestyle, mentality, social conditions. For example, in Russia the amount of remuneration, on average, is 10% of the total account. American workers have very different expectations. There, the service personnel expects to receive up to 25%. It is not uncommon for visitors to reward $ 1-2 even for fast food employees.

Lower "requirements" for European workers. In Italy, it is recommended to leave about 5-10% for tea, in Germany - 5% (of the rounded amount). France is famous for the included service (as indicated on the menu), however a few coins would be greatly appreciated. In Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, etc.) they don't even think about tips: you should pay strictly by check.

National traditions are most clearly traced in Asian countries. There, the tip is perceived as an insult. For example, in Japan, you should not persuade the waiter to take a few yen or leave the change - they will catch up with you and make you pick it up. Tipping is officially prohibited in China. However, you can “forget” the change.
