What Is A Communication Zone And What Is It Like

What Is A Communication Zone And What Is It Like
What Is A Communication Zone And What Is It Like

Often people feel discomfort when communicating, and the reason for everything is the violation of personal space, which can otherwise be called a communication zone. But what is a communication zone really? What types of communication zones are there?

Communication zone
Communication zone

First of all, you need to understand the concept itself. The communication zone is a personal space, the boundaries of which can only be violated by close people. The choice of space between the interlocutors is very difficult, because for the conversation to be successful, the distance from one to the other must be too large or too small.

If the intimate space is violated, then the human body immediately reacts to it. It all depends on who approached you. A person is ready to hug close and dear people, and the reaction of the body is calm. However, when a stranger appears and crosses the intimate zone, it is perceived as a danger. At the same time, the heart rate begins to increase, and blood rushes to the heart and skeletal muscles, so there is a desire to run or start fighting.

There are 4 communication zones. A person uses each of them daily, and which one with a particular personality depends on the situation and on the degree of closeness of people. So, the following communication zones are distinguished:

Public communication area

The distance for such communication is more than 4 meters. In the bottom communication zone there are people who do not know each other, but by the will of circumstances are gathered in one room. At the same time, they can greet each other and, at will, approach or, on the contrary, move away. For example, seminars, concerts, etc.

Social communication area

With such communication, the interlocutors are at a distance of 1 to 4 meters from each other. In this area, communication takes place between colleagues and unfamiliar people. For example, in an office or cafe. The conversation can develop in a positive way or in a negative way. Conflict situations also take place. The reasons are varied, and violation of the territory can play an important role.

Interpersonal communication zone

This space is typical for communication between people who know each other well, as well as between colleagues traveling together on vacation. The boundaries of such communication range from 50 centimeters to 1 meter.

Intimate communication area

This communication zone is typical for close people, relatives and friends. The conversation distance is less than 50 centimeters, the atmosphere is cordial and warm, and in some cases, love. People talk quietly and kindly without raising their tone.
