Pavel Voronov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

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Pavel Voronov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Pavel Voronov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Pavel Voronov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Pavel Voronov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
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Announcement: Pavel Voronov is an outstanding personality in Russian history. Has achieved significant success in military service. He made a significant contribution to the cultural heritage of the country.

Pavel Voronov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Pavel Voronov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Pavel Voronov: biography, career and personal life

Pavel Nikolaevich Voronov was born in 1851 (in May) in Moscow. The family was noble, therefore they could provide children with a decent education. Pavel Voronov studied at one of the gymnasiums in the capital. After graduating from the Moscow gymnasium, he began military service.

In history, he is best known as a military leader, lieutenant general, scientist-historian who researched military topics, publisher of "Russian antiquity" (was its editor).

Military advancement

After graduating from the Alexander School, he received the rank of second lieutenant. Becoming an ensign, he was transferred to the Pavlovsk regiment of the Russian Imperial Guard. In the rank of lieutenant he studied at the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff.

Further military career was associated with constant transfers from one headquarters to another, which was accompanied by a promotion in rank. Pavel Nikolaevich's career in military affairs developed rapidly. As a result, in August 1904 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and appointed head of the division.

During the Russian Revolution of 1905, he was temporarily appointed to the post of governor-general of Revel and the district, which did not find support from the Grand Duke Nicholas, who was the main commander of the St. Petersburg district. It was the prince who sent a petition to the Minister of War to deprive Voronov of his post. As a result, he was transferred to the reserve. The commission that considered the case did not reinstate Voronov in office. He was recommended to retire. In 1908 Voronov was fired.

During his service he received many of both domestic and international orders.

Scientific and publishing activities

While still in military service, Pavel Voronov was interested in history, collected documents. He published his works in specialized authoritative publications. In 1907, already being one of the publishers of the Russian Starina magazine, he took up the position of editor.


Voronov's work in the historical field was highly appreciated by representatives of the authorities, who noted the significance of his work and contribution to the development of the country's culture, which was confirmed by the corresponding certificate of the People's Commissariat of Education. This document confirmed that Voronov is a cultural figure, and it was forbidden for anyone to interfere with his scientific work.

Voronov was encouraged not only by assistance in research work, but also financially - the editorial staff received content. Help was also provided on the economic side - they supplied paper, firewood.


In 1920, the famous Russian Starina magazine ceased to exist. The archives of this magazine are kept in the Pushkin House, where they were personally transferred by Pavel Voronov.


Pushkin House, where the archives of "Russian Antiquity" are kept

Pavel Nikolaevich Voronov died at the age of 71 in 1922.

Personal life

He has been married since 1879. Family: wife - Evgenia Nikolaevna Verevkina, daughter - Elizabeth.
