A strong and strong-willed character, phenomenal obsession and self-forgetfulness, the inner inability to compromise with conscience are true masculine qualities. But it was they who made the famous film director Larisa Shepitko, and also her films.

An amazingly beautiful girl, tall, slender, like a "Russian birch". When she walked with her swift gait along the corridors of the Institute of Cinematography, everyone parted to the sides, such a force emanated from her. Having an unbending rod inside, she was fragile in health, which, however, did not prevent her from creating masterpieces in cinema.
Larisa's life began in the small town of Artyomovsk, in the Donetsk region. Date of birth - January 6, 1938. Subsequently, she and her mother moved to Kiev, where the girl became interested in cinematography. Not a movie, which would be typical for a child, but precisely the process of its creation. Accidentally hitting a film studio in the last grade of school, she often then, secretly from her mother, ran there. I found out from someone where they taught to be directors and after graduating from school announced that she would go to Moscow to enroll. Mom didn’t believe that the idea would bring any results, but she didn’t argue. The girl was 16 years old.
At VGIK, they did not even want to accept her documents, but after seeing the beauty and becoming a young entrant, they advised me to go to acting. The answer struck: "This is a slave profession!" - said the girl, flashing huge eyes. Accepted.
She was incredibly lucky, that year the famous Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko was recruiting the course. Under his leadership, Shepitko comprehended the basics of the profession, taught him an uncompromising attitude to creativity, life "on a ringing string", harmony and beauty.
When he was gone after a year and a half, she even wanted to quit her studies, so great was the dissonance with the new course leader.
As a student, the beautiful student managed to star in several films and a television show, mostly in cameo roles.
Own way
As her thesis, the graduate chose a screen version of Chingiz Aitmatov's story "Camel Eye", which she went to shoot in Kyrgyzstan, to a newly created film studio.
Difficult filming conditions, sometimes unbearable for men, nature in the bare steppe under the scorching sun, lack of creative help, a serious illness did not break the novice director. The work was completed on time. She proved her right to a "male" profession.
In the filmography of the frantic director, there are only 8 films, the ninth she was only able to start, but each of them is a revelation. Strict and decisive, sometimes even tough, she treated the actors who were filming with her motherly love. She worked a lot with them, taught, not without reason after the release of her films, the artists became famous and went, as they say, in great demand.
In five of her works, she herself co-wrote the screenwriters, trying to convey her understanding of the plot to the audience.
Larisa Efimovna Shepitko was awarded the high title of Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR in 74th year.
Shepitko was a maximalist in everything. It is not surprising that misunderstandings constantly arose with the authorities, some paintings even ended up on the shelf. So it almost happened with the main work of her creative life - the film "Ascent".
The film is an adaptation of the story of the Belarusian writer - front-line soldier Vasil Bykov was released in 1976. For four years, the director sought permission to shoot the picture, because she understood - this is HER: understanding of reality and attitude to it, the choice between life and conscience, attitude to spiritual ascent and betrayal.
It is not surprising that the painting "Ascent" has collected about a dozen awards, including foreign ones. Film director Larisa Shepitko became famous all over the world.
She was invited to work in Hollywood, she was familiar with many world celebrities, the famous Francis Coppola consulted with her on some moments of his "Apocalypse", but Shepitko refused.
Ahead was the beginning of work on "Matera" and the end of it.
Family happiness
While still within the walls of the institute, a young student met Elem Klimov, but rejected the courtship. She was generally strict about this.
They met already on the set of the thesis work on the film "Heat", the name was invented by Elem. And they never parted.
In 1963, the young people got married, and for almost fifteen years their house became not only a family, but also a creative workshop. Surprisingly united in spirit, people went through a short marital fate, helping each other and rejoicing in success, although there were disagreements, especially when the wife became famous.
In 73, their only son, Antoshka, was born, who almost cost his mother her life.
Elem could not forgive himself to death that he pushed his wife to shoot "Matera", going to which she died.
As a monument - the film was shot by Klimov's picture "Larisa". Monument to an honest, pure and bright person.
1956 - The Blind Cook
1957 - "Living Water"
1963 - Heat
1966 - Wings
1967-1987 - "Homeland of Electricity"
1969 - "At the thirteenth hour of the night"
1971 - You and Me
1976 - Ascent
1981 - Farewell (just the beginning)