Anastasia Abramova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Anastasia Abramova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Anastasia Abramova: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

A person can be active in life in any area. The main thing is if you are lucky enough to make your choice. This happened in the life of the biologist A. L. Abramova. She did not leave the path of a bryologist, and, probably, interest in this science warmed all family members and prolonged her life.

Anastasia Abramova: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Anastasia Abramova: biography, creativity, career, personal life


On October 26, 1915, the Tokunov family: Lavrenty Sergeevich and his wife Maria Klementyevna, who lived in St. Petersburg, were replenished with a girl. She was given an affectionate name - Nastenka.

Anastasia's career began at the factory, where she was taken as a draftswoman. Then she entered the Leningrad University at the Faculty of Biology and after graduation continued her studies in graduate school.

Excursion into the world of mosses

An amateurish ear may not even hear the second letter in the word "bryology", because the word "biology" is more familiar. So what is this word? This scientific term refers to one of the branches of botany where bryophytes are studied. Bryoflora is the flora of mosses. Is this the moss we walk on when we pick mushrooms or cranberries? Yes, we roam biophytes - ancient small plants. They are widespread throughout the globe and can do even without soil: they settle on stones, on roofs.

In the Middle Ages, the healing properties of plants were determined by their appearance, which corresponded to the shape of a particular human organ. So, for example, the name "liver" mosses received because of the external resemblance to the liver.


Scientific activity

Biologist A. L. Abramova began with a scientific article devoted to the fescue of the fescue. A. Abramova was more interested in the flora of bryophytes. During her postgraduate studies at Leningrad State University, she organized an internship with students who were extremely interested in such a passionate person they loved.

In 1947 she became a candidate of biological sciences. A. L. Abramova made a significant contribution to the creation of the book "Flora of Spore Plants of the USSR". She thoroughly researched mosses and created a number of independent and joint works on this topic with her husband. Since 1958, Abramov's husband and wife worked at the Botanical Institute in Leningrad. They studied the problems of endemism in mosses growing in remote regions of the USSR. This is a very important issue, because scientists need to know about the limited range of mosses in order to list them in the Red Book.

The geography of their research is wide: the territories of the RSFSR, the republics of the Soviet Union, and abroad. A. Abramova was especially interested in rare mosses that grew in the Caucasus: mosses of Sarmatian deposits, mosses of Chaudin age. The scientist established connections between mosses of one territory and mosses growing in other territories, analyzed their distribution area, species independence, and discovered new mosses.


Personal life

In 1939, 24-year-old Anastasia married a 27-year-old fellow student Ivan. During the Great Patriotic War A. Abramova and her daughter Lyudmila were evacuated. The daughter followed in the footsteps of her parents. Biology also became an interest in her life. The personal life of the Abramovs was filled with an interest in science.

In 2012, Anastasia Lavrentievna passed away. She was 96 years old.

Results of activities

More than 50 years have been devoted to scientific life. The work of A. L. Abramova made a significant contribution to the science of the Soviet period.

She compiled a monograph of the Meesiaceae and Catoscopiaceae mosses.


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To the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. L. Abramova was dedicated to the International Bryological Conference, which was held in 2015.
