Why Wedding Rings Are Worn

Why Wedding Rings Are Worn
Why Wedding Rings Are Worn

In ancient Greek myths, the ring has an important function of a kind of "memory knot": Prometheus wears it in memory of the time when he was chained to the rock. Throughout their history, being at least proprietary brands, at least symbols of power, the rings tirelessly reminded the owner and those around him who he was. Maybe they are brought into the life of newlyweds for the same purpose, to preserve and strengthen their bonds?

Why wedding rings are worn
Why wedding rings are worn

Wedding rings are worn for several reasons. First, if they become important, personally significant for a person. The ring is a symbol of infinity, since it has no beginning or end, a symbol of connection and unity. Given at the time of the conclusion of a marriage union, it keeps everyone's dreams and hopes for endless and eternal love, a happy family life. In addition, it also symbolizes the vow made by the newlyweds to be together in sorrow and in joy. The attributed meaning goes back to ancient times, when the groom, giving the ring, gave obligations and guarantees to the bride's parents, showed seriousness of intentions and financial well-being. It is the engagement ring that carries the proposal “to become a wife”. Accepting it from the girl's side means consent. Thus, the two conclude an agreement, secretly commit to each other. The accepted symbolism, the value of union and relationship with a loved one are the main and strong motives for wearing a wedding ring. Secondly, the wedding ring gives the owner the status of a family man. It adds confidence to women - after all, they are not just married, but "with a husband", they have a protector and support. One of the basic human needs for belonging and love gets an expression visible to all. The ring publicly and unobtrusively demonstrates marital status, "attachment", "employment", for some people this is an important point, because it is inappropriate to wave a stamp in a passport. The third reason is the “weakest” one: they are worn because it is so accepted. A person does not really think about the meaning and meaning of the rings, does not connect him either with his chosen one, or with relationships. If the wedding ring does not cause discomfort, it is not paid attention to or is perceived as part of the wedding ritual. Subsequently, they may not be worn, they are easily treated as losses or pledge to a pawnshop.
