Stanley Tucci is an American actor with Italian roots, as well as a screenwriter, producer and director. He made his film debut in 1984, and over 30 years of his acting career has appeared in 105 films, mostly in cameo roles. In several projects, Stanley Tucci created especially striking images that brought him worldwide fame.

The 2004 film Let's Dance brought together some great actors - Susan Sarandon, Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez. Stanley Tucci played in this film Link - a law office clerk who leads a double life. Since childhood, he has been passionate about dancing, but, for a number of reasons, he is afraid of publicizing his hobby among colleagues. The role of Tucci is secondary, but in terms of expressiveness it overshadows the main character John Clark, played by Richard Gere.

In Steven Spielberg's "The Terminal," Stanley Tucci has created a memorable antagonist character. Frank Dixon, the applicant for the position of head of airport security, is completely dedicated to his job and does not tolerate anything that puts his career in jeopardy. Tom Hanks and Stanley Tucci play out the confrontation of two strong characters in the conditions of limited space and time with the utmost truth.

Peter Jackson's 2009 fantasy drama The Lovely Bones stands apart in both the filmmaking career of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the acting career of Stanley Tucci and Saoirse Ronan. For the young Irish actress, the film was another confident step in the world of big cinema, but no role, according to Tucci, was given to him as hard as the role of George Harvey. His character is impossible to forget or forgive. The dramatic talent of the actor was fully manifested here. In 2010, the role earned Stanley Tucci an Academy Award nomination.

The first part of The Hunger Games, which was released in the spring of 2012, became a qualitatively new round in Stanley Tucci's career. His Caesar Flickerman, turning a bloody show into a fun game, brought the actor a new wave of popularity among viewers and high marks from film critics.

Stanley Tucci has won two Golden Globes for his starring role in the 1999 miniseries The Godfather of the Air and his role as Adolf Eichmann in the 2002 film The Conspiracy.
Even the episodic appearance of Stanley Tucci makes any film an order of magnitude better, be it a summer blockbuster like "The First Avenger" and "Transformers: Age of Extinction" or the elite low-budget project "Limit of Risk", where the entire cast is top-tier movie stars, and the script is nominated for an award Oscar.