Who Has The Right To Apply For Child Support

Who Has The Right To Apply For Child Support
Who Has The Right To Apply For Child Support

Support of family and friends is a self-evident concept. And in case of unwillingness to provide assistance to needy family members, the state and the Family Code of the Russian Federation come to defend their rights.

Who has the right to apply for child support
Who has the right to apply for child support

Child support

Children have the right to receive parental support from the moment they are born until they reach the age of majority. Until the child reaches the age of 14, the collection of alimony is made by the guardian or one of the parents with whom the child is living together. From the age of 14 until the age of majority, a child can independently apply for alimony, with the consent of a parent or guardian.

In some cases, the law provides for the possibility of receiving material assistance for adult children, for example, when a child under 23 years of age receives an education and is unable to work. Children with disabilities or other reasons that prevent them from going to work can also count on similar assistance.

The payment of alimony is also obligatory when the child's parents were not in a registered marriage, since in this case the obligations in relation to the maintenance of the child are similar. Adopted children are also eligible for support if the parent-guardian relationship does not work out.

Alimony for the maintenance of former spouses

According to the law, a former spouse or spouse who is unable to provide for themselves can count on help from their former partner, if he has the opportunity to provide it. The indisputable right to receive alimony in such cases has a parent raising a disabled child of the 1st group, regardless of his age, or other disability groups until reaching the age of majority.

A spouse who is on parental leave for up to 3 years of age or who is expecting a child also has the full right to receive child support. However, in the case of a claim for alimony for the maintenance of former spouses, the relationship must be officially registered.

Refusal to receive payments may be due to insufficient duration of the marriage relationship, as well as inappropriate behavior of the complainant spouse. If there is evidence that the incapacity for work was his own fault and was the cause of alcoholism, drug addiction or criminal acts, the alimony payment will most likely be denied.

Alimony for the maintenance of parents and other family members

Parents have the right to receive alimony upon reaching disability, however, if they themselves did not shy away from helping their children and were not deprived of parental rights in relation to them.

Grandparents can also count on help in maintaining their grandchildren. Brothers and sisters are also obliged to help each other if either of them is unable to work and no longer has relatives who can help.
