In normal families, where there are good relations between children and parents, there are no problems with helping and providing the necessary care to each other. If children do not pay enough attention to the needs of disabled parents, then the law gave conscientious parents the exclusive right to require maintenance from all their children.

Step 1
The payment of alimony refers to the provision of financial support. The condition for the payment of alimony is the presence of a kinship or family relationship. Members of the same family are obliged to take care of each other, including financially. In most cases, the concept of alimony is associated with the payment of funds for the maintenance of minor children. In accordance with the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, any disabled family member can count on receiving alimony. Caring for close relatives and providing the necessary financial support, in most cases, occurs voluntarily, but often depends on the existing relationships within the family.
Step 2
Given that children and parents have mutual alimony obligations in relation to each other, then if the parent is financially needy due to incapacity for work, the children are obliged to pay alimony for the maintenance of the parent. A written agreement on the payment of alimony may be concluded between the parties, in which the parties independently determine the amount and procedure for the payment of alimony.
Step 3
If an adult able-bodied child evades the payment of financial support, then the collection of alimony in favor of the needy parent can be carried out in court. The court takes into account the material and marital status of the parties to the dispute and assigns a monthly alimony payment in a fixed amount. The court can make a decision on the recovery of alimony both from one child and from all existing children.
Step 4
Alimony can be claimed by a parent who has fulfilled his parental responsibilities for the upbringing and maintenance of his children properly. In addition to the biological parent, actual caregivers, including adoptive parents, stepfather, stepmother, can count on receiving alimony. An essential condition is living together for more than five years, taking care of the child and proper parenting.
Step 5
Recovery of alimony in court is possible only from adult children, while an agreement on the payment of alimony can be concluded with a child who has not reached the age of majority. Children are obliged to provide support to their needy parents, whether they have the means to do so or not. Children in financial need cannot be exempted from the maintenance of their disabled parents.