Actor Camille Larin: Biography, Filmography, Personal Life

Actor Camille Larin: Biography, Filmography, Personal Life
Actor Camille Larin: Biography, Filmography, Personal Life

Kamil Larin is a Russian actor. A popular man manages to do everything. He acts in films, performs on the theatrical stage, writes poetry, and works as a presenter. He became famous thanks to such projects as "Radio Day" and "What Men Talk About".

Actor Camille Larin
Actor Camille Larin

The date of birth of the famous man is November 10, 1966. Actor Kamil Larin was born in Volgograd in a family that has nothing to do with creativity or cinema. Both father and mother were engineers.

short biography

Camille Larin did not plan to become an actor as a child. He played sports. The guy was attracted by martial arts and weightlifting. I also found time to play chess. Over the years, he began to write poetry.

Camille Larin
Camille Larin

Having received a certificate, Kamel entered the energy technical school. He completed his studies to the end, becoming an electrical technician. However, over time, the man realized that he did not want to work by profession. In addition, he was drawn to creativity. Therefore, he went to the capital and entered the theater institute. Educated at the pop faculty under the leadership of Korovin.

Creative biography

Actor Kamil Larin, while studying at the institute, met such actors as Leonid Barats, Rostislav Khait and Alexander Demidov. Together they decided to create their own theater. A few months later, the well-known Quartet I appeared.

The first time was hard. Nobody knew the actors, people did not come to the performances. However, the stubborn artists managed to get their way. Having played in such performances as "Radio Day" and "Election Day", they managed to interest the audience.

Actor Kamil Larin performs on stage as part of a well-known troupe and at the present stage.

Film career

The first project in the filmography of actor Kamil Larin is "Your fingers smell of incense." He starred in a minor episode. After 9 years, three more paintings with his participation were released. But they did not bring popularity to a talented man.

Actor Camille Larin in the movie What Men Talk About. Continuation
Actor Camille Larin in the movie What Men Talk About. Continuation

Famous actor Kamil Larin became after the release of the film "Election Day". He appeared before the audience in the form of a technician. The name of the hero, like the actor, was Camille. True, the middle name was changed. Together with him, other members of the "Quartet I" also starred in the film. Their characters were named exactly the same as the actors themselves. The film was voted the best comedy of the year.

Then came such films with Kamil Larin as "Radio Day", "Election Day 2", "What Men Talk About". The last project was so successful that at first the sequel was filmed, and then 2 more parts were released on the screens. All films starred the actors of the famous theater.

In the filmography of actor Kamil Larin, it is worth highlighting such projects as "Wonderland", "Faster than rabbits", "Everything is so sudden", "Strong marriage", "Happiness! Health! "," Team B "," Loudspeaker "," Tobol ". Projects such as Feedback and Tobol 2 will soon be released.

Outside the set

How are things going in the personal life of actor Kamil Larin? He has been married several times. The first wife is Galina. They met on the train when they were traveling to Volgograd. The wedding took place in 1989. A child was born 4 years later. The son was named Jan. The relationship lasted until 2012.

Kamil Larin with his wife Catherine
Kamil Larin with his wife Catherine

The actor was very worried. He tried several times to restore relations, to start all over again. But then I realized that it would not work. Kamil and Galina managed to maintain their friendship.

The second wife of Kamil Larin is Ekaterina Andreeva. It is not related to cinema. Works for Bosco. She married an actor, despite the considerable age difference. Camille is 18 years older. The son Daniyar and daughter Leysan were born in the marriage.
