Carnelian Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Carnelian Stone: Magical And Healing Properties
Carnelian Stone: Magical And Healing Properties

Carnelian is a stone sometimes called the "frozen sunset". For several centuries, many legends and rumors have circulated around the mineral. It is famous for a large number of magical and healing properties. However, not everyone can take advantage of them.

Carnelian stone
Carnelian stone

Carnelian is a stone of volcanic origin. Included in the "chalcedony family". It did not immediately receive its name. He was called Carnelian, Lincurius and Sarder. Due to its soft color it got the name "July stone".

Carnelian is one of the most ancient minerals. He was found on the excavations of the camps of ancient people. 40 thousand years is the approximate age of the most ancient crystal.

The magical and medicinal properties of carnelian have always been popular. It was worn by rich and powerful people. The mineral was adorned with the breastplate of the Jewish patriarch. According to legends, the stone was worn by the Prophet Muhammad. In ancient Egypt, the stone was associated with the goddess Isis. The Egyptians made brooches from carnelian.

Over time, the stone lost its value. They began to use it mainly to create a variety of decorative elements.

Medicinal properties of carnelian

Lithotherapists believe that the stone has a positive effect on the health of its owner. Fiery and bright red minerals were used in ancient years to heal wounds and fractures. With the help of the crystal, heat was removed and inflammation was reduced.

Carnelian is used in folk medicine and at the present stage. Possesses the following properties:

  1. helps to cope with urticaria, atopic dermatitis and furunculosis;
  2. with its help you can get rid of headaches;
  3. helps to cope with gastritis, stomach ulcers and food poisoning;
  4. removes kidney stones;
  5. helps to cope with depression and neuroses.

The healing properties of carnelian have found applications in some medical procedures. Thanks to the mineral, you can strengthen the nervous and immune systems.

At the present stage, scientists have not yet fully figured out exactly how carnelian affects the human body. But they continue to study the stone.

The magical properties of carnelian

The mineral is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in mystical practices. Believes that a red crystal helps to find a soul mate and strengthen existing relationships. The mineral is responsible for the intimate sphere. The richer the stone, the stronger it is.

Carnelian decoration
Carnelian decoration

Yellow carnelian is recommended for entrepreneurs. Thanks to the stone, you can cope with financial difficulties. The gem will also help creative people. Thanks to the mineral, they will become more confident in themselves and their own capabilities. In ancient times, the stone was worn by merchants. It was believed that thanks to the mineral, they became more successful.

The owner of a dark yellow stone will become more sociable and courageous. Psychological stability will increase. But the purchase of a mineral must be taken responsibly. There should be no dark blotches. Otherwise, the crystal will harm its owner.

It should be understood that by buying a carnelian stone, a person will not protect himself from emergencies. The mineral simply increases the energy of its owner, protects against damage and evil eye.

Who is carnelian suitable for? According to astrologers, the mineral is allowed to be worn by everyone except Scorpions. The stone is ideal for Taurus, Virgo and Gemini. Representatives of these signs will be able to take advantage of all the properties of the mineral.