How To Develop A Child's Love Of Literature

How To Develop A Child's Love Of Literature
How To Develop A Child's Love Of Literature

Childhood can be compared with warm plasticine, because it is during this period that the habits, attitudes and inclinations of the future personality are formed. The older a person is, the more difficult it is to change his "form"; plasticine hardens. That is why it is important from an early age to accustom the child to reading, the benefits of which cannot be argued.

How to develop a child's love of literature
How to develop a child's love of literature

In 2011, VTsIOM conducted a study on attitudes towards books and reading. The results are frightening: 35% of the country's citizens do not read books at all. In 1996, this figure was 20%. Only 22% of people find time to read every day, while in 1996 the percentage of regular readers of books was 31. For three months, a resident of Russia reads an average of 3, 94 books, while in 1992 this figure was 5, 14 (data for 2011).

Development. Is it always for the best? Just a hundred or two years ago, people did not have most of what humanity came to in the 21st century, if we are talking about technological progress. This could not but affect the change in the habits, attitudes and views of people on fundamental things that existed both 200 and 2000 years ago. Leisure has not remained the same either. In the absence of other options, people devoted their free hours to reading, as many now devote it to the Internet. No, this is not at all a comparison of good and bad. This is another proof that one of the most important (if not the most important) skills is becoming. Man is what he eats. And we are talking here not only about food, but also about the information consumed. In times, for example, Ancient Greece, people were curious. We tried to get to know the world from all sides, to delve into all aspects of life. This desire to learn was lost with the emergence of a huge number of alternative options for spending time, false, imposed interests. As a result, the number of those who can approach the subject of discussion more than from one side, while not resorting to sophistry, is decreasing. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the ability to think; it is much easier not to notice its connection with the previously mentioned ability to control the information flow., on which a thought is born and develops, an idea. Unnecessary, useless information that clogs memory every day is sand, on which a palace cannot be built.

What can serve as a good basis for the development of a child, his imagination and understanding of the world? The first thing that comes to mind is books. Children aged 6-8 months to 2-3 years, to whom adults read aloud, are more likely to learn to speak, read, understand speech than those whose parents were not lucky enough to read this article on time. "Do not bring up children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself." - says an English proverb.

Indeed, the chances of remaining indifferent to what the whole family regularly does is extremely negligible. So, first of all, you need to love the process yourself. At first, what the child will be more interested in depends on the parents. It is important here to start with classic children's literature, with those works that are known to everyone: a and so on, depending on age. Never skimp on the purchase of books that a small literary critic likes, even if they are in the upper price segment (take from the amount set aside for new boots or coats; believe me, it will pay off in the future).

Further, when your child is already studying the children's classics with might and main, it will not be superfluous from time to time. Create one in which it will simply be impossible to do anything other than reading. A shelving unit or bookshelf, atmospheric wallpaper, beautiful furniture - all this will help create a pleasant association. The latter will also be facilitated by treating various delicacies (strictly in moderation!). You can motivate by buying gift editions or books "with stuffing" (on their pages there are usually three-dimensional images that clearly show the material, various additions in the form of notes, cards, etc.). Regularly ask yourself what the child read last, which character he liked the most and why; what he plans to undertake next.

You can "learn to read" even at a later age, if there is a need, but this is more difficult, because books have competitors in the face of partying and completely banning the latter, you can get either the one who started reading "out of nothing to do", or the angry and striving to leave home Book-hater. The variant with the nomination of ultimatums of the type "for 10 pages of the book 30 minutes of playing or walking" is also ambiguous, since books can become an association with obstacles that arise on the way to the desired (undoubtedly, a positive result is also possible if the forcibly absorbed content hits the bull's eye) … A smoother introduction of literature into life can be carried out by taking into account interests. Find out in which game universe your child spends time, or which films he prefers. Find a book that is closest to the topic and try to interest him. The main thing is that reading, especially at first, should be with pleasure (do not be embarrassed if the plot tells about a war of cats or green creatures with large fangs).

And finally. To excel at something,. The statement is as clear as water. But love for the craft does not always arise naturally. It happens that when starting, you need to endure some time: the first failures, the realization of one's own weakness, the unwillingness to overcome the point when the stage of unconscious mechanical work is replaced by work for pleasure. This can apply to any field of activity, and the sooner you can get this message across to your child, the more you will contribute to their success in life.
