Platova Victoria: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Platova Victoria: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Platova Victoria: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Composing words from letters and stories from words is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Victoria Platova does it. The main thing is that she has her “own” reader.

Victoria Platova
Victoria Platova

Starting conditions

Whoever reads a lot knows a lot. Victoria Platova learned to read early. The girl was born on January 11, 1965 in an ordinary Soviet family. It is important to note that there were many books in the house, good and different. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Nikolaev. The child grew up in a friendly environment. From a young age, Vika was taught to be accurate and to work. She got used to helping her mother around the house early on. She independently maintained cleanliness and order. She knew how to wash floors and do laundry.

Victoria studied well at school. Her favorite subjects were Russian language and literature. She wrote her works easily and stylistically correctly. She was interested in history and geography. She actively participated in public life. She knew how to find a common language with classmates. I watched how peers live, what they dream about and what goals they set for themselves in the future. When the time came to choose a profession, Victoria went to Moscow and entered the screenwriting department of VGIK. Family and friends were not surprised by this decision.

The path to the profession

Having received a specialized education, Victoria tried to find a job in her specialty. It is important to recall that by that time, in the early 90s, chaos and complete confusion reigned in the country. Those scenarios and projects that the diligent student prepared in advance turned out to be completely unclaimed. The directors brushed aside the little-known girl with her dubious tests. It got to the point that Vika barely found a job at a kiosk where videotapes were sold.

Later, in her biography, the famous writer Victoria Platova will note that someone from her acquaintances pushed her to write detective novels. There is a certain amount of coquetry in this recognition. A graduate screenwriter, she had had a similar idea for a long time, and it only took a little nudge to get started. The first manuscript sent to the publishing house had the title "In a still whirlpool". After a while, the writer, exhausted with anticipation, received a positive answer. Everything. There was nowhere to retreat. Victoria sat down at the keyboard.

Essays on personal life

The writing career was successful. By that time, Victoria Platova lived in St. Petersburg. She watched the plots for her works from the stream of daily events. When creativity brings not only moral satisfaction, but also a significant material income, the surrounding reality looks more attractive and kinder. At the same time, the personal life of the writer was not very smooth.

Victoria lived with Mikhail for almost ten years. At first, love broke out between the young. As is customary, the husband and wife lived under the same roof, kept a common household. By a certain point, it turned out that the spouse earns much more than the head of the family. It is this reason that is indicated as the basis for separation. Today Victoria Platova is free.