Mikhail Bocharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Mikhail Bocharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Mikhail Bocharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Not only the leading actors are becoming popular artists. Actor Mikhail Bocharov became a striking example of this. He played characters so characteristic and vivid that the audience often remembered them better than the main characters.

Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Nothing is known about the brothers or sisters of Mikhail Timofeevich. Therefore, it is believed that he was the only child in the family. During his film career, he played in sixty films, including cameo roles.

The path to destination

The biography of the future artist began in 1919. The boy was born in the village of Grigorievka, Tula region on September 12. Mikhail's parents were not associated with creativity. My father worked in Mosgosnabprodtorg, my mother took care of the house.

The gifted boy dreamed of an artistic career from an early age. His abilities were not ignored by those around him. Bocharov graduated from the capital's school. He decided to get further education at the Shchepkin School. The family accepted the son's decision in pieces, but Mikhail, despite all objections, became a student of the course of Konstantin Zubov.

In 1940 the graduated actor went to work in the theater of Ashgabat. A few months later, he returned to the capital, where he became a member of the troupe of the Mossovet Theater. With the beginning of the war, the artist went to the front. After being seriously wounded in 1943 in the army, he was left as the head of the ensemble of road troops. The artist returned to Moscow after demobilization.

Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Bocharov dreamed of cinema since childhood. However, the directors of the main characters in the person of the applicant did not notice, but did not refuse the talented applicant either. Mikhail first appeared on the set in the fifties. He was offered cameo roles, but in such numbers that he never remained without work. Bocharov did not leave his work at the theater. On the stage of Romen and the Gogol Theater, he played leading roles.

The type of the artist was ideal for the "people of the people". Usually he played such heroes. But no less often his characters turned out to be criminal businessmen. Such works turned out no less brilliantly. At first, the artist's name was not listed in the credits. However, everything changed in 1956. In the film "Night Patrol" in 1957, a district policeman became the hero of the artist. And in the drama "On the Roads of War" in 1959 he brilliantly played Sedykh.

Bright works

In the cult film "The Adjutant of His Excellency" about the adventures of intelligence officer Koltsov during the Civil War, Mikhail Timofeevich played a warden.

Director Vladimir Menshov, who shot the famous picture "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears" in 1979, Bocharov invited Boris Alexandrovich to play. The character is surprisingly realistic. An outraged and embarrassed hero appeared in the frame with a request to transfer him in a dating club to a group of younger ladies.

In the telenovela "Eternal Call" in the early eighties, the artist played the role of the escort and husband of Evdoshikha. As conceived by the creators, the saga shows the history of the Siberians Savelievs. The main events are unfolding against the backdrop of tremendous changes in the country.

Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

The epic covers the period from 1902 to 1960. The heroes survived both revolutions, and saw the formation of a new system, and participated in dramas of the twentieth century. They constantly had to choose between hate and love.

In the series "Young Russia" the hero of Mikhail Timofeevich was a corporal, and in the "Squadron of flying hussars" he played a man. In 1980, the film "Father and Son" was released. In it, the artist appeared in the form of Ivan the Soldier.

In the fabulously satirical comedy "Help, Brothers!" the boyar became the hero of the actor. The action of the film begins with the boyars making a decision to urgently marry their aged tsar. The ruler, allegedly completely agreeing with the opinion of those close to him, chose the bride for himself from the overseas lands, and sent three close ones for her with the conviction that they would not be able to carry out his order.

New Horizons

According to the plot of the film "Troubled Sunday" 1983, a fire breaks out on a foreign tanker in a Russian port. A team of repairmen is trapped in its hold. The disaster grows on a grand scale, threatening the city. A group of firefighters joins in a duel with fire. Bocharov played the role of a fire station attendant.

Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

In the thriller "Black Clown" the hero of the actor is Nikita Ivanovich Ivanov. According to the scenario, the result of a complex trick in the circus is the death of a baby. A mysterious psychic manages to bring him back to life. Only the child becomes completely different.

The artist also visited in the form of a robber in Tsar Ivan the Terrible, and a writer in The Master and Margarita. In the 1993 film Gold, he played the cardinal. And in "Golden Day" he reincarnated as Nikolai.

The last works in cinema for the performer became understood in the multi-part "Brigade" and the man in the raincoat in the dramatic film "And in the morning they woke up" at the beginning of the two thousandth.

All facets of talent

Mikhail Timofeevich managed to realize his abilities not only in the cinema. In the theater, he played many bright, diverse characters. Bogachev was also engaged in directing. His performances have enjoyed consistent success in folk theaters. The artist was very talented in staging entertainment events at the stadiums of the Moscow region.

The actor wrote and the scripts. However, he was in no hurry to present them to the directors, leaving them “in the table”. The famous actor Mikhail Bocharov passed away in 2007, on March 9.

Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Mikhail Bocharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Very little information has been preserved about the personal life of the performer. It is known that he was married. In honor of the father, the only child, a son, was also named. Mikhail Mikhailovich chose a creative profession for himself. He became a musician, playing clarinet and saxophone.