What Are The Proverbs About Autumn

What Are The Proverbs About Autumn
What Are The Proverbs About Autumn

Autumn is a time of poets, inspiration and melancholy, when the summer heat subsides, and nature is in pre-winter agony. A large number of folk sayings and proverbs are dedicated to this time of the year, some of which are quite apt and very capacious. So what are they?

What are the proverbs about autumn
What are the proverbs about autumn

The most famous and common "autumn" sayings and proverbs

"In the fall, you can sip milk with a match: you dip once, dip the second time, and then carry it into your mouth."

“Only in autumn bad weather there are seven bad weather in the yard: on the street it sows, blows and twists and muddies, tears and pours from above.”

“Autumn is like a queen of calf: one jelly and pancakes. Well, in the spring it is usually smoother: sit and look."

Very apt - “What a man reaps, he will thresh. And what you grind, you put it in the barn”.

"In autumn, the crow has a heap, not only the black grouse."

"In late autumn, the rain is finely sown, but it lasts too long."

"In late autumn, you can find only one berry, and even then - a bitter mountain ash."

It is mountain ash that is considered the "fruit" attribute of the autumn season, described in many literary works. Especially in poetry.

"In the fall, usually the cattle grow fat in the yard, and the man gets kinder", "Autumn is very boastful, and spring is already fair" and "Autumn will command a man, but spring will definitely show its own."

"Autumn is like a store, and winter is still a trick", "Autumn is the time of harvesting the long-awaited harvest" and "There are about eight weather changes in the fall."

"Autumn grumbles like a thin fly", "In the fall sometimes even the crow has a shock of bread", "When autumn comes, she will ask us for everything" and "Young chickens are counted only in autumn."

Less common folk wisdom about autumn

Also very well-aimed - "In the autumn time and at the sparrow's house a feast", "In the fall and the sparrow is rich", as well as "Autumn brings bad weather."

"September always sees off red summer and meets autumn in gold."

It is September that is usually the autumn month, beloved by people, which gives romantic weather and colorful forests.

"If September smells like a ripe apple, then October smells like cabbage."

"In September, natural fire comes both in the field and in the hut."

The following folk observations are poetic: "September is the flying time", "September is the first magician" and "September is the month of leaves."

"Only October rides a piebald mare, but does not like wheels and runners."

"In October, people say goodbye to the sun and get closer to the warm stove."

"October covers the ground - somewhere with a leaf, and somewhere with the first snowball."

"If October is cold, our father, then November will also get cold", "In October, the hut should be full of firewood, and the man should walk in bast shoes" and "October is the month of the first snows and the first weak cold weather."

"In October, even a strong leaf will not hold on to the tree", "Everyone would have taken October, but the peasant is no longer in it."