The events that have been taking place in Ukraine since November last year have led to a sharp aggravation of international relations. This country has become not only the arena of a fierce internal conflict, but also the subject of the struggle of powerful geopolitical players - Russia, the United States and the EU. It is difficult for some people, especially poorly versed in politics, confused by streams of distorted information, to understand: what happened in Ukraine at all?

Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to make an excursion into history. Ukraine became independent in December 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. She had every opportunity to build a sufficiently developed and prosperous state.
Step 2
Unfortunately, things turned out differently. The property that passed to Ukraine from the USSR was either plundered or went to a few “chosen ones”. Undisguised Russophobia played an increasingly important role in Ukraine's foreign policy. It especially intensified after the election of an ardent Westernizer V. Yushchenko to the post of president, who openly proclaimed the course of Ukraine's joining NATO. The rewriting of our common history began, the exaltation of the leaders and rank-and-file members of the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army), who collaborated with the Nazi invaders.
Step 3
The election of Viktor Yanukovych as President of Ukraine in 2010 did not change this trend. Moreover, the subversive activities of Western intelligence services (primarily the United States) in Ukraine have only intensified. With the help of Western money and instructors, many openly extremist pro-fascist organizations, for example, the Right Sector, arose. Corruption, arbitrariness of law enforcement agencies, open hypocrisy of the authorities - all this led to an increase in the indignation of millions of Ukrainians, who, moreover, were captivated by naive dreams that the West would help them solve all their problems, it was enough just to sign an Association with the EU. Therefore, Yanukovych's refusal to sign this Association at the end of 2013 served as a pretext for the outbreak of riots in Kiev.
Step 4
Western countries openly incited protesters to riot, and Viktor Yanukovych and his associates were threatened with harsh sanctions if force was used against the rebels. As a result, bloody riots occurred, in which the "Right Sector" played the most active role. Yanukovych was forced to flee, a pro-Western government came to power, which included many ardent nationalists. A natural consequence of these events was the departure of Crimea, which wished to return under the jurisdiction of Russia, as well as the demands of many Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine on the federalization of the country and the state status of the Russian language. The new Kiev government responded to these demands with brutal repression. A real civil war began on the territory of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine, which continues to this day.