Eve Hewson: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Eve Hewson: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Eve Hewson: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Irish actress Eve Hewson became famous for her role in the TV series Knickerbocker Hospital and the movie Robin Hood: The Beginning. Her father is rock star Hewson Paul, a member of the band U2.

Hewson Eve
Hewson Eve

Family, early years

Eve Hewson was born in Dublin on July 7, 1991. She was named after the time and date of birth (at 7:00, 7.07), "Eve" is the middle of the word "seven". Her father is a world-famous rock star, U2 frontman Paul Hewson, who took the pseudonym Bono, her mother is Stuart Alison, an activist. Eve has a sister Jordan and 2 brothers - Eli, John. The future actress spent her childhood in Dublin.

Parents sought to provide their daughter with all the opportunities for development: she studied music, studied French, attended the tennis section. Already as a child, Eve thought about the career of an actress. Parents adhered to the principle that it is necessary to support any undertaking of children, and did not interfere when the daughter expressed a desire to study acting in order to devote her life to this profession.

After completing her studies at school, Eve studied at St Andrews College, and at 18 moved to New York, where she entered the Academy of Motion Picture Arts. The audition was not easy for her and cost a lot of nervous tension, but she still managed to get into an educational institution. Yves also studied at the Tisch School of Arts. The study was successful. Parents also decided to move to New York after their daughter.

Film career

At the age of 14, Eve and her older sister starred in the short film Lost and Found. In 2008, she made her debut role in the drama Club 27. In 2010, Hewson was offered to star in the music video for the rock band The Script.

In the same period, the actress was given a role in the drama Wherever You Are (directed by Sorrentino Paolo), where she starred with Penn Sean, McDormand Francis. The premiere took place at the Cannes Film Festival. Eve also worked in the filming of the films "Blood Ties", "Enough Words".

In 2013, Hewson graduated from the film academy, and later got a role in the m / s Knickerbocker Hospital. The film proved to be successful, becoming famous as one of the most believable "medical" series. For filming, Eve had to cope with the fear of blood, complete nursing courses, and learn an American accent. Her partner was Owen Clive, whom she had already met on the set of "Blood Ties".

Later, the actress took on the role in the movie "Spy Bridge", she managed to work with the famous Spielberg Steven and Hanks Tom. In 2017, Yves starred in the movie "Moth", and in 2018 - in the films "Paper Year", "Robin Hood: The Beginning". The actress also got a role in The Adventures of a Wolf Boy.

Personal life

In 2010, Hewson began dating Lafferty James, the relationship lasted 5 years. Many thought they would get married, but the couple broke up.

In 2015, Eve dated Minghela Max, an actor from Great Britain. However, they later broke up.