The development of a child is his transformation into a social being - a personality. It occurs under the influence of the natural and social environment surrounding him, as well as with the help of special purposeful activities to form certain personality traits - social education.

Communication is of great importance for the full development of a child. It is in the process of communication that speech is assimilated, which plays a leading role in cognition and development of the surrounding world. The transformation into a social subject occurs as a result of socialization of a person, his integration into society, into social groups. This process is realized through the assimilation of values, attitudes, patterns of behavior, social norms, on the basis of which significant personality traits are formed.
Socialization is a continuous process that continues throughout a person's life, but its greatest role is in childhood and adolescence, during these periods all basic orientations are laid, basic social norms are assimilated, and the motivation of social behavior is formed.
The social environment is a variety of communities of people, characterized by certain systems of relations and rules. A person to some extent influences the environment, changes it, but at the same time the environment also affects a person, presenting him with its requirements. The environment can accept a person, his actions, and can reject, treat him with hostility. Social education helps to acquire the necessary, from the point of view of society, social, spiritual and emotional values. Its main goal is to promote human development, the realization of his abilities for the benefit of society.
The process of social education is carried out, first of all, in the family, later - in educational institutions, with informal communication. The family is the main condition for the realization of human abilities, the most important educational institution with great potential. The child learns several social roles in the family: son or daughter, sister or brother, nephew, grandson, gets acquainted with the roles of mother and father, grandparents.
The next important role is a member of the team. In kindergarten, school, sports section, in communication with peers, children learn the roles of a comrade, friend, student, leader. A significant social role is to be a citizen of your country, to love your country, to be proud of it.
Each period of social development is characterized by specific age characteristics, which are manifested in certain psychological reactions, in age-appropriate activities, in the formative influence of various institutions of socialization.
The mastery of the mechanism of role behavior by children ensures their successful involvement in social relations, they learn to adapt, adapt to new situations throughout their future life. This process of adjustment is called social adaptation.
Often, the process of socialization is complicated for some reason. Entry into society can be difficult due to the characteristics of physical or mental development. Sometimes the assimilation of social norms by a child is distorted as a result of a spontaneous or deliberate influence of the environment. As a result, he cannot integrate into normal social relations and therefore needs specialized assistance for successful integration.