Ara Gevorkyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Ara Gevorkyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Ara Gevorkyan: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

A variety of reasons can serve as an incentive for creativity. The composer and performer of her works Ara Gevorkyan is driven by the call of her ancestors in her work. The events of the past years inspire him to create musical compositions.

Ara Gevorkyan
Ara Gevorkyan

Childhood and youth

Folk art serves as a solid foundation for contemporary composers and musicians. Melodies of the past are manifested today in a variety of forms. An astute listener can easily determine the origin of certain passages. Ara Gevorkyan was interested in the history of his family from an early age. Bit by bit, he collected and carefully preserved facts from the biography of his ancestors. His grandmother sang in the church choir, and his grandfather conducted. In the temple, they met. And before that, fleeing from genocide, they found refuge and protection in one of the monasteries, lost in the mountains.


The future composer was born on April 19, 1960 in a musical family. Parents lived in the famous city of Yerevan. My father worked as the artistic director of an ensemble of folk instruments. Mother sang folk songs as part of an ensemble at the local Philharmonic. Ara grew up and was brought up in a creative environment. The boy showed musical ability from an early age. Parents often took him with them on tour. Little Ara was well-versed behind the scenes of any theater. And if such an opportunity was not provided, then the child stayed at home with his grandparents. On weekends, they took the boy with them to church.


Creative activity

When the time came, Aru was enrolled in a comprehensive school and in a music school. After the tenth grade, in order to get a specialized education, he entered the faculty of woodwind instruments at the local pedagogical institute. In 1983 Gevorkyan organized the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Rally". The team brought together talented guys who were able to demonstrate a high performing level. At the next all-Union competition "Song-85" the ensemble was awarded an honorary prize for performing skills.


In his work, Ara Gevorkyan has achieved a harmonious combination of folk melodies and modern compositions. To do this, he had to use both folk wind instruments and modern keyboard installations at the same time. The composer was invited to the opening of the days of Armenian culture in Russia. The festive concert was held at the Moscow Palace of Congresses, where the presidents of both states were present. In 2005 Gevorkian wrote the vocal-musical composition "Adana", dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, which was committed ninety years ago.


Recognition and privacy

Gevorkyan's creative career was successful. He was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Armenia. Among the many works, one can note the music for the ballet "The Golden Cage", written by the composer for the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

In the composer's personal life, everything is fine. He is legally married. The husband and wife raised and raised two children - a son and a daughter. The son continues family traditions: he composes musical works and performs on stage.
