All works of art - books, films, paintings - are clearly targeted at a certain age category of consumers. It is the responsibility of the publisher or manufacturer to label their products accordingly. Sergei Pryanishnikov does not violate these requirements.

Starting conditions
The production of films for adults has long been put on stream. In civilized countries, all procedures are worked out to the smallest detail. Pornography has become a common genre of cinematography. There are also directors and producers in Russia who are considered recognized professionals in this field of activity. The pioneer is Sergey Viktorovich Pryanishnikov, a businesslike and decisive man. He is not shy about the bans on censorship, and always tries to find an opportunity to implement the next project. These character traits are noted by both the director's supporters and opponents.
The future entrepreneur was born on November 15, 1957 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in the famous city of Leningrad. My father worked at an optical and mechanical enterprise. Mother worked as a primary school teacher at school. The child was no different from his peers. He grew up agile and inquisitive. When the deadline came, Sergei was enrolled in a special school with a physics and mathematics bias. After the tenth grade, he decided to get a specialized education at the Faculty of Computer Engineering at the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute.

On the entrepreneurial path
After graduating from the institute, Pryanishnikov, a certified engineer, worked for three years in a design and engineering association. Gaining practical experience. When perestroika began in the country, he was one of the first to quit production and went to work as a bartender in a night restaurant. In the early 90s, video equipment began to enter the market from abroad in large quantities. Sergey and his partners created a company for the sale and repair of video recorders. Here they began to reproduce cassettes with erotic films. The next step, Pryanishnikov created his own studio for filming adult films.
It is important to note that public opinion at that time was sharply negative towards both Pryanishnikov and the products he produced. Sergei was even arrested several times, but he found strong evidence of his innocence. At the same time, pornographic products were sold throughout the country. Producer and producer Pryanishnikov quickly became a millionaire. In 2007, he tried to take part in the election of the mayor of St. Petersburg, but, for unknown reasons, dropped out of the race.
Prospects and personal life
Pryanishnikov continues to do business. In addition to producing pornographic films, the entrepreneur is also involved in the purchase and sale of real estate. On unverified facts, the producer owns a stake in some shopping centers.
There are many rumors and speculations about Pryanishnikov's personal life. In 1985 he married Svetlana Shevchenko, who came to Leningrad from Stavropol. Until 2015, the husband and wife lived under the same roof and raised their son. But at the moment they are divorced and share the jointly acquired property.