Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

It’s not easy to be a poet in general, and especially in Russia. However, poets cannot but write poetry, because this is how their soul speaks, and its voice cannot be drowned out.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev: biography, career and personal life
Nikolai Alexandrovich Zinoviev: biography, career and personal life

The name of the poet Nikolai Zinoviev is known in Russia - his poems are appreciated for deep patriotism, for clarity of expressions and for a civil position. Valentin Rasputin spoke very warmly about his poems, he said that "Zinoviev's lines seemed to have been cut out by a strong and powerful thought, which makes a deafening impression …".

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Aleksandrovich was born in 1960 in the village of Korenovskaya, Krasnodar Territory, in the family of a worker and a teacher.

He did not show talent for writing at an early age, he did not bring any special problems to parents either - he was an ordinary child. After school, he entered a vocational school to get the profession of a welder. Then he was educated at a mechanical engineering college.

It was at that time that he developed an interest in literature, especially in poetry, and he entered the philological study at the Kuban University to study by correspondence. However, fate did not immediately connect him with poetry, because he had to earn a living. Therefore, Nikolai's professions in his youth were associated with physical labor: he worked as a concrete worker, welder, loader - any job that could provide a normal existence was suitable.

Apparently, at that time he was gaining life experience - the baggage that poets and writers need to write about the essentials, about the important and the main thing in life. And then one day Nikolai read poems that made a stunning impression on him, and this became the impetus for his own creativity. Then he was 20 years old, and he showed his poems only to those close to him.

Path to literature

Mom persuaded him for a long time - she asked to send poems to the regional newspaper, and when Nikolai nevertheless sent several poems, the editorial office did not believe that such deep poems could be written by a young guy.

Fortunately, Zinoviev's poems somehow miraculously got to Vadim Nepodoba, a famous Kuban poet, and he highly appreciated them. This happened in 1982, and in 1987 Nikolai Zinoviev was already publishing the book "I walk on the earth", which made him famous and his poems recognizable. After that, more than 10 collections of poems were published: "Flight of the Soul", "Taste of Fire" and others. Zinoviev's poems were passed from hand to hand, copied and read at poetry evenings.

In 1993 Nikolai Zinoviev became a member of the Writers 'Union of Russia, and in 2009 - a member of the board of the Writers' Union of Russia.

And before that there were numerous poetry competitions, a lot of work in the literary field and numerous awards. They are all very significant, but one is special: the Great Literary Prize. Although for Zinoviev himself, both the Delvita Prize and the All-Russian Orthodox Prize named after V. I. A. Nevsky, and others. And most likely, they are all equally valuable - after all, this means that the poems reached the soul of the person to whom they were addressed - to the soul of a contemporary.

In addition, the poet's poems have been translated into Czech, Belarusian, Montenegrin, Vietnamese and Armenian.

Personal life

Nikolai's wife Irina is a journalist, colleague and like-minded person. They have been together for many years, and he first shows all his poems to Irina, and then he submits to the public.

When asked why he does not write poetry about love, Zinoviev replied that it is not worth talking about love out loud.

The main thing is that they understand each other and support each other in everything. Once it was such that all the money collected for the house, Irina gave for the publication of a collection of her husband's poems - how can you evaluate such an act?

The Zinoviev family has two children, and he is satisfied with his fate, his life, which is not always rich. Probably, if not for his such a difficult life, and such poems he would not have been able to write. Therefore, Nikolai believes that everything in his life is good and correct.
