How Political Socialization Can Be Defined

How Political Socialization Can Be Defined
How Political Socialization Can Be Defined

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Socialization is the process of including a person in the life of society. As he grows up, the child learns and remembers the norms of behavior adopted in a particular social group. One of the prerequisites for successful advancement on the social ladder is the growing citizen's awareness of the values and elements of a certain policy model. Their comprehension takes place in the process of political socialization.

How Political Socialization Can Be Defined
How Political Socialization Can Be Defined


Step 1

The term "political socialization" was introduced into the scientific lexicon by the American psychologist and sociologist Herbert Hymen in 1959. Initially, this concept meant the "vertical" influence of the prevailing political environment on the formation of a person's views. The family was considered the main source (agent) of socialization. It was in it, according to scientists, that the child received the first ideas about the political system and preferred values. An adult built his life in accordance with the views on politics acquired in childhood.

Step 2

However, at the end of the last century, changes were made to the scientific theory. Scientists have recognized the fact of a decrease in parental authority when adolescents choose priorities in public life. Moreover, the younger generation of the family is increasingly acting as an active conductor of political views, convincing the elders of the quality of this or that power system.

Step 3

This model of political socialization is called "horizontal". Its inventor Richard Merelman noted the continuity of the process of choosing between competing systems, parties, movements. A person during his life can make various decisions, changing his political beliefs and position in society. Certain values are assimilated by a citizen through communication with family and friends, as well as as a result of response to information from the media, schools, professional environment and other public institutions.

Step 4

In domestic political science, the process of political socialization is described as the interaction of a person and a system. On the one hand, the authorities disseminate information about the views on politics accepted in a given society. On the other hand, a person reconsiders the information received and accepts or rejects the proposed political guidelines.

Step 5

Several important factors influence political socialization: the peculiarities of political relations in society, the nature of the ruling regime, the degree of development of political culture in the social group to which the person belongs. The final choice of certain attitudes is based on individual psychological qualities.

Step 6

Thus, political socialization can be defined as the consistent cognition and acceptance by a person of the political values of society, as well as the formation of adaptation skills in the political system.
