What Is The Difference Between Right And Left Political Movement

What Is The Difference Between Right And Left Political Movement
What Is The Difference Between Right And Left Political Movement

There is a pluralism of political opinions and views in the world. It is traditional to divide political movements into left and right, which represent polar points of view on the political structure. The centrists occupy an intermediate position.

What is the difference between right and left political movement
What is the difference between right and left political movement

The terms right and left appeared during the French Revolution. Then, in the National Assembly, on the left were the Jacobins, who were for radical changes, in the center were the Girdonists, who were supporters of the republic, and on the right were the Feuillans, supporters of the constitutional monarchy. Thus, initially, the radicals and reformers were considered to be the left, and the conservatives were the right.

Today, the concepts of left and right in politics are interpreted differently.

Which directions in politics are attributed to the left, and which to the right

The left today includes ideologies and trends that advocate social equality and bridging the gap between rich and poor. These include socialists, social democrats, communists, as well as such extreme manifestations as anarchists. The basic values for the left since the time of the French Revolution are "Liberty, equality, brotherhood."

The right advocates ideas that are directly opposed to the left. They advocate personal supremacy, which creates natural inequality. Their core values include free enterprise and political freedoms. Today, there is a wide variety of political views that belong to the right. These are conservatives, liberals, libertarians, totalitarians, far-right, etc.

According to another approach, supporters of the current political system and supporters of the current elites are ranked among the right. The left movement is based on the ideology of opposing the authorities.

Of course, the division of society into right and left in the context of a variety of political ideas and views is no longer suitable for describing modern realities. So, a person may have beliefs that in one particular industry will be on the side of the left (for example, in terms of views on the structure of the economic sphere), and in relation to the current elite - to the right.

Difference between left and right movement

The difference between right and left movement is manifested in the following parameters. This attitude to the structure of society - if the right believes that the division of society into classes is a normal phenomenon, while the left - stands for universal equality and does not accept social stratification and exploitation.

The attitude to property, which underlies these movements, is also different. Thus, the left is in favor of nationalization and collective property. While for the right, private property is one of the basic values, they advocate maintaining the status quo of the current economic system.

For the left, the strengthening and centralization of the state is unacceptable, while for the right it is quite acceptable and acceptable.
