How To Remember A Person

How To Remember A Person
How To Remember A Person

Table of contents:


Many have come across a situation where you were introduced to a new person, and often more than one. After some time, you could not remember the name of this person and what he looks like. How can you avoid this problem? One of the ways to remember a person is memorization by associations. The human brain is better at remembering meaningful information. This method relates to the training of arbitrary memory. When meeting a person, try:

Constant memory training allows you to avoid trouble when meeting new acquaintances again
Constant memory training allows you to avoid trouble when meeting new acquaintances again


Step 1

1) To correlate his name and surname with some object, phenomenon, etc. (for example, Stolyarov is a table);

Step 2

2) Remember by last name, first name, patronymic, if they are the same as those of your friends or relatives;

Step 3

3) Think about what (or whom) the appearance of a new acquaintance reminds you of (animal, bird, plant, etc.);

Step 4

4) To highlight for yourself some features of a person (gait, timbre of voice, height, etc.);

Step 5

5) Remember the emotional feelings at the meeting (for example, joy, bewilderment, surprise, dislike);

Step 6

6) If a person is neat in his clothes, uses perfume (or, conversely, is slovenly), most likely, you will note this fact for yourself;

Step 7

7) Determine the degree of importance of a new acquaintance for you (usually important people are remembered faster);

Step 8

8) If possible and necessary, write down his last name, first name, patronymic, address, telephone (in this case, the work of mechanical memory is added);

Step 9

9) You can remember the events that occur together with a person (business meeting, walk, dance, dinner).
