What Is The Film "Lieutenant Rzhevsky Against Napoleon" About

What Is The Film "Lieutenant Rzhevsky Against Napoleon" About
What Is The Film "Lieutenant Rzhevsky Against Napoleon" About

The comedy "Lieutenant Rzhevsky against Napoleon" appeared on big screens in January 2012. This is another work of the Russian director with Lithuanian roots, Marius Weisberg, the author of such films as Love in the City and Hitler, Kaput. The picture was released in 3D and had a solid budget by Russian standards, but it did not win much success with the viewer and critics. Probably, in our country they are still too biased towards parody-kitsch cinema.

What is the film "Lieutenant Rzhevsky against Napoleon"
What is the film "Lieutenant Rzhevsky against Napoleon"

In essence, this film is an adaptation of a cycle of anecdotes about the adventures of the legendary lieutenant Rzhevsky. It is not worth looking for historical correspondence in the picture. However, the creators did not pursue such a goal, which they openly stated. According to the director, he wanted to end up with something in between a circus and a show. It should be noted that the authors of the film coped with this task with a bang. The plot of the comedy takes the viewer to the beginning of the 19th century. At a time when the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte are marching victoriously across the lands of Russia. The great conqueror has already managed to capture both Europe and Moscow. However, this seemed to him not enough, and he decides to conquer also Petersburg, which at that time was the Russian capital. The chances of the Russian army to withstand the onslaught of the French enemy are extremely small. Field Marshal Kutuzov understands that if Napoleon stays even a little bit in Moscow, Russian soldiers will be able to gain valuable time and get more chances for a successful outcome of the battle. Just what can distract the Frenchman from the war? Bonaparte's love affairs were legendary. The conqueror was indeed extremely skilled in matters of seduction. No woman could resist his unshakable charm. However, having achieved what he wanted, he immediately lost all interest in the conquered passion. New love victories - that's what inspired Bonaparte. Remembering the weaknesses of the French commander, Kutuzov decides to distract him from his plans to conquer Petersburg with the help of an unapproachable, mysterious Russian woman. It is almost impossible to find a beauty who could win the heart of the emperor of France and at the same time not succumb to his charms. The commander even used all his connections in the search for a suitable candidate. However, they were unsuccessful. Desperate to find an extraordinary woman, Kutuzov decided on an adventure. He invites Lieutenant Rzhevsky, another virtuoso in flirting, to dress up as a woman and subdue Napoleon. In return, the commander offered the lieutenant, who was serving a life prison sentence for promoting the sexual revolution, freedom. The plan seems very simple, Rzhevsky is confident of his success. But no one could have imagined that during the penetration into the enemy camp, the lieutenant would quite accidentally meet the girl of his dreams - Natasha Rostova - Miss Moscow in 1810. Steamy jokes, familiar actors and show business stars, an uncomplicated plot - all this is the film "Lieutenant Rzhevsky against Napoleon." In intellectual circles, such masterpieces are always perceived hard. And this film is no exception. Even the participation of Jean-Claude Van Damme himself and the notorious 3D format did not save him.