Why Do People Use Parasite Words

Why Do People Use Parasite Words
Why Do People Use Parasite Words

A person may not always be aware of exactly how he speaks in everyday life and even in business communication. The habit of using so-called parasitic words in speech is very common. These weedy words, which do not have a semantic load, usually serve as a bundle of words and make speech poorer.

Why do people use parasitic words
Why do people use parasitic words

What are parasite words

Rubbish words are often so ingrained in a person's vocabulary that they are not realized at all. For this reason, getting rid of parasitic words can be difficult. They distort the natural and habitual rhythm of speech, making it difficult to understand the essence of the speech message.

Parasitic words have their own function: they help fill in pauses and connect separate parts of sentences when transmitting thoughts in verbal form.

The list of weedy words is wide enough. Surely you had to catch in the speech of the interlocutor such constructions: "in general", "as it were", "this", "well", "so to speak", "this is the most", "like him." In the youth environment, the word Ok ("okay"), which came from the English language, has recently become very widespread.

Individual words-parasites are occasionally used by people who are difficult to suspect of illiteracy or a low level of speech culture. But if rubbish words are inserted into speech very often and out of place, they can ruin the impression of you for a long time. It is very uncomfortable to listen to a person who inserts words with parasitic functions in almost every sentence.

In speech, not only parasitic words can be used, but also individual sounds or their combinations that carry the same function. You have probably heard someone being interviewed speak on a TV screen. Trying to formulate their thoughts in words, people who are not accustomed to public speeches, in such a situation often pull sounds: "uh-uh", "mmm" and so on.

Rubbish words - an indicator of general and speech culture

The appearance of weedy words and whole speech structures in a person's speech is often explained by the peculiarities of his emotional state. If your interlocutor does not know the topic of conversation, he is worried, makes unreasonably long pauses in his speech, stumbles, trying to find a suitable comparison or word. And here words come to his aid that do not carry any semantic load. They help fill in the pauses and give you time to think about your answer.

Parasite words often appear in the speech of a completely literate person when the topic of conversation is very significant for him.

Among the verbal rubbish, there is something that is considered indecent in any cultured society. We are talking about profanity. The elements of foul language, no doubt, speak of the extremely low level of general culture. Swearing carries a very strong expressive charge. In some cases, socially acceptable substitutes for obscene words are used, for example, "tree-stick". Even from such seemingly harmless expressions, it is better to abstain, even if the situation is conducive to an emotional response.

If you notice signs of dirty words in your speech, try to control them. Recognizing a speech deficiency is the first step towards eliminating it. Constantly monitoring the quality of your speech will help you express your thoughts more accurately and become a pleasant conversationalist.