Anton Viktorovich Yelchin: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Anton Viktorovich Yelchin: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Anton Viktorovich Yelchin: Biography, Career And Personal Life

A native of the city on the Neva and a native of a sports family (parents were pair skaters), who immigrated to the USA (Los Angeles), Anton Viktorovich Yelchin is an American film actor of Russian origin. Viktor Yelchin and Irina Korina (Anton's parents) explained their decision to leave their homeland by their limited opportunities and political pressure from the sports community.

A confident look into the future
A confident look into the future

On June 19, 2016, at the age of twenty-seven and at the peak of his creative career, the popular Hollywood actor Anton Yelchin tragically died. His latest films include roles in the rating film Porto (2016) and the psychological thriller Thoroughbred (2017). The last project was released after the death of the actor, whom many of his fans in our country consider to be nothing more than "their own in Hollywood."

Biography and career of Anton Viktorovich Yelchin

On March 11, 1989, the future idol of millions was born. Some time after the birth of his son, his parents decided to leave for permanent residence in Los Angeles. Despite the desire of his father (figure skating coach) and mother (choreographer in the ice palace) for his beloved child to follow in their footsteps, Anton showed perseverance and perseverance, rejecting such a life path. The boy learned to play the guitar and became interested in acoustic blues.

And in 2007 he entered a film university to become an actor. It is noteworthy that the debut in this role took place at the age of ten, when at the end of the "nineties" he played several episodic roles in the rating series. And by the age of seventeen in his professional portfolio there were already two dozen films and the Hollywood Life magazine award in the nomination "The Brightest Young Actor of the Year 2005".

And the real success and recognition of the cinematic public came to him after the film adaptation of the almanac "New York, I love you", when the actor appeared on the world screens in two blockbusters and one short story included in it.

In 2007, Yelchin went on a business trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg during the filming of the film You and Me. He especially liked the city on the Neva. However, despite a certain vague nostalgia, Northern Palmyra as a place of residence was not presented to him in any way.

Personal life of the artist

Anton Yelchin never became a husband and father during his lifetime. His last years were spent in solitude in a house separate from his parents. It is interesting that he communicated with his mother and father exclusively in Russian, and preferred to read the literary works of our classics in the original.

Among the romantic relationships, the press attributes him to a temporary relationship in 2012 with Christina Ricci. In addition, Anton was noted for romance with colleagues in the creative workshop Mika Burem, Imogen Poots and Lindsay Lohan.

To the great regret of parents and the entire cinematic community, on June 19, 2016, an irreparable tragedy occurred - one of the most promising and talented actors of our time died. Due to the fact that the actor did not put his personal car on the handbrake, he was caught between his bumper and a brick building. Death was recorded from asphyxiation.
