Vera Kushnir: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vera Kushnir: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vera Kushnir: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

In the modern information field, discussions about what is more important for a woman - a career or a family, do not cease. This problem arose in the middle of the 19th century and does not lose its relevance. Vera Kushnir, a Christian poet, shared her opinion on this issue.

Vera Kushnir
Vera Kushnir

Childhood and youth

True believing Christians are periodically persecuted by the current authorities. This was the case at the dawn of religion. A similar situation developed in the Soviet Union. Militant atheists in the post-revolutionary years persecuted believers. Vera Sergeevna Kushnir was born on September 24, 1926 in a family of Protestant Christians. The girl became the third child in the house. Parents lived in the largest city of Donbass. My father worked as a mining engineer. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children.


The girl grew up sickly. In order to somehow diversify their daily life, children were sent to the village to stay with relatives for the summer. There, at Aunt Katya's, the future poetess was introduced not only to work in the garden, but also to the beauties of the local nature. When Vera was seven years old, she was enrolled in school. However, she did not manage to complete her education. The war broke out and it became very difficult to live. The family did not manage to evacuate to the east. The fascist invaders came and established their own order. In the fall of 1943, the whole family was loaded onto a wagon and taken to Germany.


Trials and losses

The workers brought from Russia were used in the most difficult and dirtiest jobs. Vera and her relatives had to harvest rutabagas in the fields. Build barracks and utility rooms. And even work at an aircraft factory. During all the travels and in the process of hard work, Vera found support in prayer. To calm herself, she composed poems and memorized them. There was simply no suitable paper and writing materials at hand. When the war ended, the parents decided to move to permanent residence in the United States.


Despite the difficult living conditions, Vera's personal life was developing successfully. While on German territory, she met Eustachy Kushnir and married him in 1946. The husband and wife remained in Europe for another three years - they had to wait for permission to move to America. During this period, two children were born and died in the family. The grief-stricken mother struggled out of her depression. Vera found consolation in her husband's prayer and support. In 1949, the couple moved to the famous Santa Barbara and were reunited with relatives.


Service and creativity

On American soil, Vera Kushnir entered the Christian community and devoted all her free time to this hobby. At one of the public events of the Slavic Baptists, she said that serving God should not be at the expense of the family.

For many years, Kushnir worked at Christian Radio. She published collections of her poems. In America, she had four more children - one son and three daughters. Vera Sergeevna died in January 2011.