Kotikova Svetlana Aleksandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Kotikova Svetlana Aleksandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Kotikova Svetlana Aleksandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Professional actors have time to work both in the theater and on the set. Svetlana Kotikova adhered to these rules.

Svetlana Kotikova
Svetlana Kotikova


Soviet theater and film actress Svetlana Aleksandrovna Kotikova was born on April 17, 1945 in Moscow. Father, General Kotikov, after the Victory was assigned to Berlin, where he moved his family. The girl grew up in favorable conditions. She was surrounded by love and attention. The time spent abroad remained in the child's memory for many years. Little Svetlana was noticed by the famous Soviet sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich, who worked on the monument to the soldier-liberator. It was from her that the famous artist sculpted a German girl who is being held in her arms by a Russian soldier.

Father's long business trip ended and in 1953 the Kotikovs returned to Moscow. Svetlana went to school. She did not study badly. She actively participated in public life. She loved music and drawing lessons. She had many records of foreign songs brought from Germany. Classmates often gathered in the apartment to hear music and dance. Sveta talked about how people live abroad, what their habits and customs are. When it came time to think about her future profession, she firmly decided to become an actress.

In theater and cinema

After consulting with family and friends, Svetlana decided to get a specialized education at the Moscow Art Theater School. The biography notes that the girl thoroughly prepared for the entrance exams, which she passed the first time. In her student years, Kotikova tried to get as many practical skills as possible for performing roles on stage. After graduation, the certified actress came to work at the Academic Theater of Satire, which is popular with the audience. She was warmly received in the creative team.

She did not receive the main roles of Kotikova in the theater. She was often used in episodes and supporting roles. Employment was constant, but the actress did not receive satisfaction. Creativity was completely absent here. Despite this attitude, Svetlana served in the temple of arts all her adult life. Not to say that often, but an outwardly attractive actress was attracted to filming a movie. Kotikova achieved real success in the film "Oh, this Nastya." The picture was a huge success with audiences and critics. Svetlana was recognized on the streets and in public places.

Essays on personal life

Svetlana was invited several times to act in films. Pictures "Tablet under the tongue" and "At thirteenth o'clock in the morning" passed without much attention from the audience. By and large, Kotikova's theatrical career did not work out either. She had to earn money on the radio, participate in the sound of films and engage in other day laborers. There was a chronic shortage of money for living. In my personal life, too, I was not lucky. The first time Svetlana got married as a student. The husband and wife lived only a year.

They talk and write a lot about love. But not everyone can experience this feeling. Kotikova was legally married four times. And every time the family union collapsed. Today one can only guess about the reasons that led to the sad ending. The actress had no children. Svetlana Kotikova died in February 1996.