Oleg Anisimov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Oleg Anisimov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Oleg Anisimov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

There is a huge number of scientists in Russia who, to one degree or another, influenced the development of the country as a whole. One of these scientists is Oleg Anisimov, a well-known methodologist and doctor of philological sciences.

Oleg Anisimov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Oleg Anisimov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Biography and career of Oleg Anisimov

Oleg Sergeevich Anisimov was born on March 27, 1943. The famous philosopher and psychologist is considered the founder of the methodological movement in Moscow. The boy completely devoted his life to philosophy, and, already as a young man, he entered the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University. There he masters psychology and studies the problems of higher education. Since 1976 he considers himself an accomplished methodologist.

After graduating from the institute, he founded a methodological and pedagogical circle, which exists to the present day.


In 1984, Oleg defended his Ph. D. thesis on the topic "Formation of students' mental operations using schematic images."

In 1993, Oleg Anisimov got a job at the Department of Acmeology at the Russian Academy of Public Administration. There he defends his doctoral dissertation and becomes a laureate of the President's Prize.

In 2006, the man defended his thesis for the degree of Grand doctor Philosophy and received the title of full professor of the Russian section of the European University of Informatization.


At the moment, Oleg Anisimov is an active member of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences, the Russian Ecological Academy and the Academy of Social and Pedagogical Sciences.

Throughout his life, the professor wrote more than 450 scientific papers, of which 160 were published in the form of books.

Ideology and activities of the author

Even before he entered the institute and got acquainted with the history of psychology, Oleg singled out for himself G. V. F. Hegel as his mentor in future activities. Under his influence, Oleg Anisimov laid his foundations of the worldview and strove to use extreme abstractions. He believed that the content of the work is not so important, more important is the "movement of thought."


At the moment, he is actively involved in the development of the latest pedagogical methods for the formation of strategic thinking in people, which will directly affect their learning ability.

The main works of Anisimov

The most popular works of the author are the following editions:

  • "Fundamentals of Methodological Thinking";
  • "Making management decisions: methodology and technology";
  • "Security Methodology";
  • "Ontology of Society and Social Management";
  • "Strategic portrait of the leader of Russia";
  • "Method of working with texts and intellectual development";
  • "Speculative Sociotechnics";
  • "Game modeling, game technology, development."

Oleg Anisimov made a huge contribution to education. He devoted his life entirely to science. However, the scientist is married and has two children. He does not devote to strangers in his personal life, so no details about his family are known.
