The Most Expensive Cities In The World

The Most Expensive Cities In The World
The Most Expensive Cities In The World

Table of contents:


Various experts have called the same cities the most expensive cities in the world in recent years. They just move in the rating table: some cities, fortunately for their residents, are inferior to the first places, and some, on the contrary, tend to the highest indicator.

San Francisco
San Francisco


Step 1

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit as of early March 2014, Singapore topped the list of the most expensive cities in the world this year, displacing Tokyo from the first place. In both Singapore and Tokyo, there is a tendency for a tangible increase in food prices, but by the beginning of this spring, transport prices in Singapore were also much higher than in all cities in the world.

Night Singapore
Night Singapore

Step 2

Paris is the second most expensive city. Its eternal historical rival London did not even make it into the top ten. But here everyone chooses for himself. If it is enough for someone to “see Paris and die”, then many choose the city of all lovers for permanent habitation, despite the cost of food, transport and housing - some of the most expensive in the world.

Paris at night
Paris at night

Step 3

Following Paris, as if breathing down its back, are followed by such European cities as Oslo, Zurich, Geneva and Lausanne. And, if the capital of Norway, Oslo, has always been included in the list of the most expensive cities according to the EIU rating, then by 2014 the jump in prices for social services brought it to third place. Well, the prices for the main components of an ordinary grocery basket: milk, bread and cereals in Oslo are much more expensive than in other cities of the world.


Step 4

Three cities of beautiful, peaceful Switzerland also took their rightful places in the ranking. Geneva is in 4th place, while Zurich and Lausanne are slightly lower. And this is not surprising. The Swiss are willing to pay for their high standard of living, safety and peace by paying one of the highest income taxes in the world to the state treasury.


Step 5

In Sydney, a strong upward trend in the Australian dollar has put the Australian capital at one of the highest rankings in the world's most expensive cities. The growth of the national currency is an indicator of the level of well-being of residents, which affects the level of taxes. For tourists, this is an indicator of the high cost of renting transport and hotel services.


Step 6

Caracas, unlike Sydney, is an expensive city for very different reasons. The high cost of prices in this Venezuelan city is denied by the influence of its location and the fact that almost all food products are delivered to it from afar. Plus to this - the predatory pricing policy of the country's authorities, artificially raising prices even for essential goods.


Step 7

But Melbourne, to the delight of its residents, has dropped noticeably. Last year he was ranked 4th in the rating. Its position in the top ten most expensive cities in the world is influenced by the fact that this city, like Zurich in Europe, is the headquarters for all banks in the Asia-Pacific region, in connection with which it has one of the highest income taxes.


Step 8

Copenhagen closes 10 expensive cities. Although a year ago I was in the second ten. Residents of this beautiful Scandinavian city have to pay high prices for the comfort, convenience, perfect service and attractiveness of their city. Yes, housing and healthcare in Copenhagen are at a consistently high level.


Step 9

San Francisco and New York remain the most expensive cities in America, but they are not included in the top ten most expensive cities in the world. Their place is in the second ten, as is the place of Moscow. Fully a dozen expensive cities in the world in 2014 looks like this: Singapore, Paris, Oslo, Zurich, Sydney, Tokyo, Caracas, Geneva, Melbourne, Copenhagen.
