The housing issue is still relevant for many Russians; the demand for apartments is still outstripping supply. But the prices for them in different regions are not the same, therefore, for the same amount of money, somewhere you can buy a three-room apartment in an elite house, and somewhere you won't even buy a room in a communal apartment. Real estate in the capital has been the most expensive housing for many years.

The most "expensive" Russian cities
According to statistics for 2013, the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow, remains the leader of the real estate market. This is due to the fact that this city is the center of cultural, business and economic activity, the head offices of all the largest industrial, mining and financial enterprises of the country are located here, an active business, cultural and socio-political life is in full swing here. The same cannot be said about many large settlements located to the east of the capital. Many industrial centers of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East are gradually stagnating, enterprises are shutting down, since their products are uncompetitive in the world market.
The cheapest housing as of the end of 2013 can be purchased in Russian mono-cities that are planned to be resettled as depressed ones: Togliatti, Astrakhan, Lipetsk, where a square meter costs less than 30 thousand rubles.
The average cost per square meter of housing in Moscow is more than 200 thousand rubles per square meter, the second most expensive city - the Northern capital, St. Petersburg, lags behind it almost twice - here a square meter costs on average about 100 thousand rubles. An apartment in the Moscow region will cost 85 thousand rubles, Khabarovsk - 75 thousand, in Sochi - 74, 5 thousand, Yekaterinburg - 70, 5 thousand rubles. These are the most expensive cities and territories in Russia.
The most expensive real estate in Moscow
But in Moscow, the cost of housing depends on many factors and, all other things being equal, is determined, first of all, by the area of residence. The most expensive metropolitan area is called the "Golden Mile" - these are Ostozhenka and Prechistenka streets and lanes adjacent to them in the west, a triangle with a top in which the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is located.
Among the ten most expensive districts located in the largest cities in the world, the Golden Mile is ranked 8th, overtaking 5th Avenue in New York and Avenue Montaigne in Paris in terms of real estate value. The average price per square meter in this area is $ 29,000, i.e. more than a million Russian rubles.
In general, over the past year, there has been a slowdown in the growth of housing prices throughout Russia, so if you are going to buy an apartment, it makes sense to wait a little longer.
The explanation is simple - in this unique area of the capital, located in its center, we managed to preserve the quiet and cozy atmosphere of old Moscow. Quiet green streets with restored mansions and prestigious new buildings contrast well with the neighboring noisy and crowded business districts.