The Most Popular Bands In History

The Most Popular Bands In History
The Most Popular Bands In History

The popularity of bands is measured by how many records they have sold. There are several bands that have literally blown up the world of music lovers. In the past, their albums immediately took off to the top positions of the charts, and even today they are selling well.

The most popular bands in history
The most popular bands in history

The beatles

The most popular band of all times and peoples can be safely called The Beatles. In total, they have already managed to sell more than one billion copies of their albums. But that's not all, because people continue to buy these records, so in a few decades this figure can easily double.

The group was founded in 1960 in England by four young people who knew more about what rock and roll should be than the recognized stars of that time. These are John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and their drummer, who soon left the group, and Ringo Starr took his place, it was with him that all the best records of The Beatles were recorded. Gradually, the collective found its own style of sound, which became a role model and a source of inspiration for many musical groups of that time. They managed not only to find a new sound in music, but also to develop many interesting techniques in sound recording and shooting video clips. The idea of mixing several different styles in one composition and adding psychedelic and symphonic moments was revolutionary.

Led zeppelin

The next band in the global chart is Led Zeppelin. Critics believe that the talent of the musicians was no less than that of the Liverpool quartet, and the song "Stairway to Heaven" is considered by many to be the most popular in all rock music. Led Zeppelin is another British band, it was formed in 1968. Led Zeppelin influenced hard rock and pioneered the heavy metal style. They were not afraid to add blues and folk motives to their music, as well as spice it up with elements of other musical genres. In total, approximately 300 million Led Zeppelin records have been sold.


The group Queen is a little behind in popularity, but the circulation of their records has also already exceeded the mark of 300 million copies. Everyone knows the hits of this rock group, such as "We are the Champions", "We Will Rock You" and others. Queen appeared around the beginning of the 1970s, soon they were noticed by critics and the public alike. The group still has millions of fans all over the world who will not exchange this music for anything else. Queen helped shape the image of classical rock music, and many of its followers have focused on them. The collective is known for its special effects at concerts.

Pink floyd

Pink Floyd is a British band known for their philosophical lyrics and numerous experiments in the field of sound. It is one of the most popular bands in the world, with about 250 million copies of their albums sold. Pink Floyd's music sometimes moves away from rock, approaching psychedelic. The highest popularity of Pink Floyd came in the 70s. It was founded by fellow students from the Institute of Architecture in London. The group disbanded in 1994.
