Remember what word the fairytale hero Kai tried to form out of icy letters by the bewitched evil queen of the snow. The word was "eternity." This concept, which cannot be felt, tasted or seen, even the actual desire to imagine the endless flow of time leads to a stupor and can be compared with the pitiful attempt of a mortal to understand something immortal.
Eternity, perhaps, refers to certain philosophical matters that are similar and inseparable from the concepts of life, time, faith. According to religious traditions, eternity is a kind of independence of the divine principle from such a condition as time. The Church prescribes to distinguish between divine and created eternity. If the first exists without any conditions, the second is in direct dependence and is conditioned by the first. The names of God, the Holy Spirit, and being are associated with the concept of eternity.
From an astronomical point of view, eternity and time are in no way identical concepts, because eternity, unlike things we are used to, is not endowed with the properties of a beginning and an end, it has no continuation and exists independently of other factors.
From a philosophical point of view, eternity is associated with being stretched out in time. The concept of eternity has long captured the minds of scientists all over the world; Plato, Aristotle, Hegel tried to express and formulate it. However, they all agreed that eternity has nothing to do with immortality, which, in essence, is invariable, eternity is filled with human passions and emotions, gives us love and other feelings that are designed to make a person absolutely happy and make us forget about the feeling of time as such.
Mathematicians often, giving a definition to the concept of eternity, call it the "bad infinity" of a multitude of numbers that have no beginning and no logical conclusion, something that can cause fear that a person is not given the ability to cognize incomprehensible quantities. It is believed that from the point of view of geometry, eternity can be expressed in the form of a closed geometric figure, a circle, since movement along it can never end and is considered eternal.
The embodiment of eternity in natural phenomena is considered to be ordinary seashells, spectral glow or the well-known sound of silence. In general, eternity is considered an integral part of the world, which characterizes the indestructibility of everything in the universe.