Kudryashova Elena Vladimirovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Kudryashova Elena Vladimirovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Kudryashova Elena Vladimirovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The training of specialists for public and private needs is a long and multifaceted process. Only trained managers are admitted to the management of a higher educational institution. Elena Kudryashova is one of the most successful managers.

Elena Kudryashova
Elena Kudryashova

Starting conditions

The Russian system of higher and secondary specialized education today is built on European models and patterns. Elena Vladimirovna Kudryashova has been holding the post of rector of the Arctic Federal University in recent years. To take this position, the applicant must have a certain training and present the appropriate certificates confirming his competence. Kudryashova deliberately did not prepare for the leadership of a higher educational institution, but the circumstances developed that way.

The biography of Kudryashova at the initial stage took shape according to the standard scheme. The child was born on April 14, 1961 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in Arkhangelsk. The girl was brought up in the traditions traditional for the Russian North. Taught to work and accuracy. Elena studied well at school. Her favorite subject was English. I always found a common language with classmates. I carefully observed how my peers live, and what goals they set for themselves in the future.

Professional activity

Having received her secondary education, Kudryashova entered the local pedagogical institute. She successfully completed her studies and came to work in the district eight-year program of the famous Kholmogorsky district. Three years later, having fulfilled the legal term, Elena Vladimirovna passed the exams for graduate school. Creativity in the field of history and philosophy has borne fruit. The postgraduate student consistently defended her candidate, and four years later her doctoral dissertation. It is interesting to note that the topic of the latest study was the leadership qualities of the average citizen.

The career of a teacher and scientist was developing successfully. Kudryashova won a grant from an international organization and lectured for several semesters at universities in Sweden, Finland, USA and Norway. Many people dream of such an internship. Elena Vladimirovna worked for several years as Deputy Governor for Social Affairs. In 2010, she was appointed Rector of the newly established Arctic University.

Essays on personal life

It is interesting to note that Kudryashova was dismissed from the post of rector and even a criminal case was brought against her for abuse of office. After a while, all the accusations and claims turned out to be far-fetched. This fact primarily characterizes the style of work of law enforcement agencies. The unpleasant incident did not affect the reputation of Elena Kudryashova, she continues to do her official business.

It is enough to say a few words about Elena Vladimirovna's personal life. She is legally married - she has only one spouse. Husband and wife have lived under one roof for many years, where love and mutual respect reign. Raised two daughters. There were also grandchildren. Everything is as it should be.