Why Do You Need A Church Wedding

Why Do You Need A Church Wedding
Why Do You Need A Church Wedding

Wedding is a sacred sacrament, in order to get married you need to be sincere with yourself and your partner. You can't get married for the sake of family traditions, or because it has become fashionable. The wedding bares the souls of two loving people in the face of God, therefore, young people should be brought to him by love.

Why do you need a church wedding
Why do you need a church wedding

Getting married is necessary in order to bless your marriage. Having married, the spouses receive the grace of God, this will help them to build their union in like-mindedness and love, to be one soul and body, and to bring up their children in Christian morality.

A wedding does not give any benefits to the family, it is not a guarantor of family happiness and getting rid of everyday difficulties. Those who are married must go through all the trials together that will occur on their path in life and solve their difficulties themselves. Faith will help them in this matter.

The wedding is also necessary so that two loving people always have hope in each other and in God, have confidence in the strength of the relationship. Great courage and great love are needed to keep the love boat from breaking into everyday life. A wedding is a kind of certificate of maturity of feelings, having decided to get married, you must understand that you are responsible for the integrity of your boat before God.

The fact that a family is created for eternity will be reminded to the young by rings - a symbol of infinity. They are worn when a couple is engaged. Crowns, which are put on the heads of spouses, personify their royal dignity, because they should build their own kingdom, according to their own laws, and no one can prevent them from doing so.

Before the wedding, you need to confess and take communion at the liturgy. This is done in order to be cleansed from sins, to be internally renewed before entering a new life. For three days before the sacrament, it is advisable to fast, think about spiritual things, listen to your soul.

When a man and a woman get married, they must understand that they marry once and for the rest of their lives. Christianity, of course, allows divorce, treating the family as a living organism that can die at any time. But if you decide to seal your marriage with church bonds, approach this with all responsibility.
