Who Is Alexander Mikhailov

Who Is Alexander Mikhailov
Who Is Alexander Mikhailov

Alexander Yakovlevich Mikhailov - theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Republic of South Ossetia. Born on October 5, 1944 in the village of Tsugulsky Datsan, Chita Region (now the Trans-Baikal Territory).

Who is Alexander Mikhailov
Who is Alexander Mikhailov

Alexander Mikhailov is not only a famous theater and film artist, but also a singer, teacher, director. Films with his participation are almost completely "snapped up" for quotes, and creative evenings are always popular.

On the way to the stage

The artist's childhood fell on the post-war period, and his mother, Stepanida Naumovna, took on the hardest work in order to raise her son alone. Since childhood, Alexander Mikhailov fell in love with folk songs and ditties thanks to his mother. At the request of Alexander, the family moves to Vladivostok, where the future actor enters a vocational school, and subsequently receives the specialty of a locksmith.

Alexander has always been very fond of the sea, and he begins his career as an apprentice of a minder of a fishing boat in the Pacific Ocean.

The future actor traveled the seas for two years: he walked the Okhotsk, Japanese, Bering seas, visited Alaska. This hard way was a good school of life.

Admission in 1965 to the theatrical faculty of the Far Eastern Pedagogical Institute of Arts allowed Alexander Mikhailov in 1969 to become an actor in the Primorsky Regional Drama Theater named after Gorky, where as a debut he played the role of Raskolnikov in the play Crime and Punishment.

Life path: theater stage

The actor worked for ten years at the Saratov Academic Drama Theater. During this time, Alexander Yakovlevich performed a number of large-scale roles of the classical repertoire, for example, Prince Myshkin in F. M. Dostoevsky, Konstantin in the play by S. A. Naydenova "Children of Vanyushin", Shamanov staged by "Last Summer in Chulimsk" based on the play by A. Vampilov.

In the theater named after M. N. Yermolova actor also performed classical roles, taking part in the performances "Three Sisters" (A. P. Chekhov), "Uncle Vanya" (A. P. Chekhov), etc. As part of the troupe of the Moscow Maly Theater, he played the roles of Konstantin from Children of Vanyushin, James from the play A Long Day Leaves at Midnight (Yu. O'Neill), Dorn from The Seagull (A. P. Chekhov), Ivan the Terrible from the play "Tsar Ivan the Terrible" (AK Tolstoy).

Life path: cinema

Mikhailov's first experience of playing the lead role in cinema was his participation in the filming of Fyodor Filippov's film "This is Stronger than Me" in 1973. The actor was remembered by the audience for the role of a village guy in the film "Coming" directed by Valery Lonsky. Alexander Yakovlevich declared himself as a serious dramatic actor playing the role of the chess player Alekhine in the film "White Snow of Russia".

In 1981, Alexander Mikhailov was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize, becoming one of the most filmed film actors of the late 70s - early 80s.

The role in the movie Iskra Babich "Guys!" Made the actor truly famous. In 1986, he was recognized by the audience as the best for a brilliant performance in the film "Snakes". The most famous and popular films with the participation of Alexander Mikhailov were "Lonely hostel" (1983) and "Love and Doves" (1984).

In 1992, the actor shows himself as a director, filming a picture called "Don't Go." In addition, since the 1990s, Alexander Yakovlevich has been performing as a performer of Russian folk songs, romances, and Cossack songs. Now Alexander Mikhailov performs on stage in non-profit performances and leads an acting workshop at VGIK.