How To Distinguish Pirate Discs

How To Distinguish Pirate Discs
How To Distinguish Pirate Discs

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Today, the issue of buying licensed products is capturing more and more people. But the fact that on the Russian market about 60% of optical media (CD / DVD discs) are illegal goods casts doubt on the possibility of buying licensed discs even in well-known stores. However, there are quite a few signs by which you can distinguish an illegal disc from a real one. When purchasing, you must be guided by the following criteria.

How to distinguish pirate discs
How to distinguish pirate discs


Step 1

If the disc is sold on the market, in a stall or underpass, then the chance that you will buy pirated products is very high. Most of the licensed goods are sold in specialized stores. You need to pay attention to the timing of the appearance of the DVD, for example, if the film is still in theaters, and you are already being offered a copy, then this is a 100% pirated disc.

Step 2

Real discs are usually sold packaged in gray plastic cases with two or three petal holders. Pirate ones are mainly sold in completely black boxes with a four-leaf holder (and removing the disc from it is very problematic). Often, a pirate box will quickly crack and fall apart. The disc has streaks caused by the uneven coating of the aluminum layer.

Step 3

In a box with a fake disc, you are unlikely to find a booklet or a description of the tracks that should be present. Printing is usually copied from licensed discs, but the text is only partially translated from English, and the pictures may look slightly blurry. On real discs, the colors are much brighter than on pirated ones.

Step 4

The disc signature is the engraving on the inner rim of the optical media. On pirated discs, it might look like this: Mafia-1-DVD-4-DF-0017. Using the databases of anti-piracy structures, you can easily distinguish a pirated release (in some cases, pirates copy signatures from licensed discs).

Step 5

In addition to the signature, there is other information on the disc (SID CODE) applied during the smelting process. Such information cannot be changed or erased, since it is recorded on the surface of the mirror. SID CODE is issued in order to identify the products of any licensed plant (this is done to deduct taxes). Pirate factories never set such codes.

Step 6

Another distinguishing feature of a pirated disc is the lack of full dubbing in Russian. Instead, an amateur translation is recorded in two voices (male and female) - usually of low quality.

Step 7

There is also another way with which you can guarantee to distinguish a pirated disc from a licensed one. If you direct the beam of a laser pointer to a real disc, then you will see only a small bright dot, and on a pirate disc it is necessarily accompanied by two parallel lines.
