Tatyana Pokrovskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Tatyana Pokrovskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Tatyana Pokrovskaya: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Synchronized swimming amazingly integrates strength and grace. Tatiana Pokrovskaya is a professional trainer. She received theoretical training and was seriously engaged in rhythmic gymnastics herself.

Tatiana Pokrovskaya
Tatiana Pokrovskaya

Starting conditions

Synchronized swimming received the status of an Olympic sport in 1984. At that time, athletes from Canada, the USA and Japan were in the lead on the world stage. A year later, the national team of the Soviet Union went to the European Championship for the first time, which was held in Sofia. Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya at that time held the position of the second coach. For the debut, the Soviet synchronized swimmers showed quite decent results. In group competitions, they took fifth place, and in solo and duet they entered the top ten.


The future head coach of the national team Tatiana Pokrovskaya was born on June 5, 1950 in a military family. Parents at that time lived on the island of Solombola in the Arkhangelsk region. When the girl was in the second grade, the head of the family was transferred to the city of Magnitogorsk. Tanya dreamed of becoming a ballerina from an early age. At the new place of residence, she immediately found a rhythmic gymnastics section and began to attend training. Perseverance and good physical data allowed her to achieve high results in a short time. Already in the seventh grade, Pokrovskaya fulfilled the standard of a candidate for master of sports.


Professional activity

After school, Tatyana decided to get a specialized education at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture. She studied only perfectly well. She was engaged in gymnastics. She met her future husband and graduated from the institute in 1971 with honors. For more than a year, Pokrovskaya worked as a physical education teacher in Moldova. There, the husband served in the army after graduation. Then they moved to the town of Elektrostal near Moscow. Tatyana Nikolaevna began to train a children's group in rhythmic gymnastics. At the competitions in Moscow, her players showed very good results.


In the early 80s, the promising coach was invited to work in the synchronized swimming section. After some hesitation, Tatyana Nikolaevna agreed. In 1991, she was appointed head coach of the national team. However, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, all plans collapsed. Pokrovskaya worked for almost five years in Spain and Brazil. In 1996 she returned and took her rightful place as head coach. Under her leadership, the Russian team of synchronized swimmers has won all the Olympic Games since 2000.


Recognition and privacy

The work of the famous coach was appreciated by the Russian government. For her great contribution to the development of sports and special services to the state and people, Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya was awarded the title Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Tatiana Nikolaevna's personal life has developed well. She got married in her student years. The husband and wife raised a daughter. Pokrovskaya continues to train athletes for the next important competition. They have the 2020 Olympics ahead.