How To Get Into Astronauts

How To Get Into Astronauts
How To Get Into Astronauts

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In childhood, many dreamed of being like Yuri Gagarin and becoming astronauts, experiencing the feeling of weightlessness and looking at our blue planet from the window of a spaceship. Or maybe you dream of stepping into outer space? If you are determined to become an astronaut, you will have to fulfill a number of conditions.

How to get into astronauts
How to get into astronauts


Step 1

The easiest and fastest way to actually visit space is to get the status of a space tourist. Pay $ 20 million for the "ticket". Complete medical board and special pre-flight training. Enjoy your flight.

Step 2

If you don't have $ 20 million to become an astronaut, you have to study a lot. Cosmonauts are divided into 3 main categories: test cosmonaut, engineer cosmonaut, and research cosmonaut. Decide which category you would like to belong to and go!

Step 3

The test cosmonaut is the commander and pilot of the spacecraft. Takeoff, landing, the flight itself, supervising the operation of systems and crew - all this is the task of the test cosmonaut. The recruitment of test cosmonauts is made from the ranks of military pilots. If this is the role that appeals to you, enroll in a higher education institution that trains pilots for the Air Force. In the process of studying, build yourself a large number of flights. Your track record must be impeccable. Try to develop the quality of a leader in yourself. After graduation, submit an application asking to be admitted to the cosmonaut corps. Attach a description from the military unit to it. You should have excellent eyesight, perfect health and no bad habits. The best of the best get into the squad.

Step 4

The cosmonaut-engineer is engaged in the maintenance of the technical systems of the spacecraft. It is he who performs, if necessary, repair work during the flight. If this role is attractive to you, go to any university and get a higher technical engineering education. Work in your specialty for at least 3 years and apply for joining the cosmonaut corps. Traditionally, most of these specialists are sent to the detachment from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Step 5

The research cosmonaut is engaged in work of a biomedical nature. He is also a doctor who, if necessary, provides medical assistance to the crew members. One of its tasks is to conduct various experiments on living organisms in zero gravity. If the role of an astronaut-explorer is attractive, get a higher medical or biological education. Also, personally write a couple of scientific papers. It is very good if you have a defended Ph. D. thesis on hand.

Step 6

If you are applying for the role of a test cosmonaut or cosmonaut-engineer, apply to the Energia Rocket and Space Corporation. If you decide to become a cosmonaut-researcher, apply to the Institute for Biomedical Problems.
