Boris Litvak: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Boris Litvak: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Boris Litvak: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The famous psychotherapist Boris Litvak believes that there are no lazy people. Each person is able to change their world. To do this, you need to find the only foothold and accurately determine the route to the intended goal.

Boris Litvak
Boris Litvak

Starting conditions

Modern man lives and operates in dangerous conditions. From birth, he is under the influence of irritating and depressing factors. Boris Mikhailovich Litvak, among other psychotherapists, helps people find a way out of difficult situations. This kind of situation is quite unexpected. The family is destroyed. Career doesn't work out. Best friends leave. From such misfortunes and stresses, many fall into depression. For a long time they cannot find an acceptable way out. To help those in trouble, Litvak conducts thematic trainings and consultations.


The future specialist in interpersonal relations was born on November 26, 1973 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in the famous city of Rostov-on-Don. Father, Mikhail Efimovich Litvak, a surgeon by basic education. At the age of 30 he began to study practical psychology. Boris grew up as an obedient child, and in everything he tried to take an example from the eldest in the house. He studied well at school. When the time came to choose a profession, Litvak Jr. decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Having received a certificate of maturity, he completed a training course at the Rostov Medical University.


Professional activity

Boris received his degree in Pediatrics in 1996. At that time, psychologists were not taught at the university yet. However, in the city there was a Club of those who decided to master stressful situations "KROSS". Litvak Sr. was involved in the creation of this club for many years. The first visitors were consulted in 1982. Boris came to the club as a trained specialist. He systematically mastered the theoretical foundations of psychology and conducted the reception of people who needed help. The work turned out to be difficult and energy-consuming.


In the list of problems the patients treated, Litvak was the first to put low self-esteem. A person insecure in his abilities tried in every possible way to postpone the moment when it was necessary to take action. One could not tell his partner about his feelings. Another was afraid to ask an angry boss for a raise. The third was jealous of his wife even for a lamppost. Litvak systematized all these and other problems, formulated recipes and kept them in a special file cabinet. Several books came out from the pen of a psychologist. One of them is called "7 Steps to Stable Self-Esteem."


Prospects and personal life

The psychoanalyst profession is on the border between creativity and routine procedures. The methods that are developed in the Club "CROSS" are in demand in many countries. Currently, there are 24 branches operating abroad.

The personal life of Boris Litvak is going well. He is legally married. The husband and wife are raising and raising two children.
